Available Procedures

Available Laser Vision Correction Surgeries

LASIK (Laser Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis) - a thin flap is created with a laser in the top layer of the cornea and the underlying tissue is reshaped by another laser. Visual recovery and healing is rapid.

PRK (Photorefractive Keratectomy) - Instead of creating and lifting a small flap for the treatment, the outer layer of the cornea is gently removed and the underlying tissue is reshaped by the laser. The outer layer naturally regrows in approximately three to five days. Visual outcomes are excellent, however visual recovery is slower.

KLEx (Keratorefractive Lenticule Extraction) - Coming Soon. The latest, least invasive procedure in laser vision correction. A thin, contact lens shaped layer just beneath the surface of the eye is created and removed through a small incision in the cornea. Visual recovery is quick, but typically slower than LASIK.

Available Intraocular Refractive Surgeries:

Some patients may not be a candidate for a laser vision correction procedure, however fortunately there are excellent alternatives.

ICL (Implantable Collamer Lens) - Insertion of a contact-like lens behind the colored part of the eye (iris). This can be used to correct high amount of nearsightedness and astigmatism with great visual outcomes. Visual recovery is quick, but typically slightly slower than LASIK.

RLE (Refractive Lens Exchange) - Replacement of the natural lens in the eye with an intraocular lens, similar to cataract surgery.

  • Typically for people with presbyopia or hyperopia, for whom LASIK, PRK or ICL surgery generally are not suitable
  • Lens replacement surgery can also correct myopia, but generally it is not recommended for high myopes under the age of 50 due to the loss of accommodation and when LASIK, PRK, SMILE or ICL surgery are recommended


For all patients who undergo refractive surgery at the Wilmer Eye Institutes, enhancements are included for up to 1 year from the initial surgery.