Ocular Immunology and Uveitis Fellowship

Fellowship History and Structure

The Ocular Immunology and Uveitis Fellowship Program at the Wilmer Eye Institute was established in 1989 and participates in the Ophthalmology Fellowship Match Program.

This Fellowship program offers one-year of clinical training devoted to the medical and surgical management of uveitis and related ocular inflammatory diseases. An optional second year devoted to research pursuits is also available.

In addition, there is an option for extensive training in clinical research leading to an advanced degree, which can be funded through a K award from the National Eye Institute (NEI). The flexibility of this fellowship allows for successful transition into academic or private practice. Of our fellowship graduates, the majority currently hold appointments as faculty in academic departments of ophthalmology.

Program Curriculum

Requirements for Applicants

Applicants should have satisfactorily completed an accredited residency program, preferably within the United States, prior to starting this fellowship. The Uveitis Fellowship is part of the formal Ophthalmology Fellowship Match Program (OFMP).

If you have fulfilled an ophthalmology residency, please register for the match at www.sfmatch.org and complete the Central Application Service form, which requires three letters of recommendation (we prefer one from your current program director) and a personal statement explaining your interest in the program. Please include any research interests that you may have in your CAS personal statement. Additional information (if deemed essential to the candidate’s application) may be forwarded to Dr. Thorne at the address below with a cover letter that includes the applicant’s match number and the dates of the fellowship for which the applicant is applying.

An interview is required and typically takes place between late September and November for the fellowship year beginning in July of the following year.

Only the applicants with complete files will be invited for an interview.

Accepted fellows who have trained in the United States may be eligible for a faculty appointment through the Advanced Subspecialty Training Program (ASTP). This more prestigious appointment includes faculty status in the hospital as well as a faculty benefits package.

Contact Information

Please direct all questions and any additional documents to:

Jennifer E. Thorne, M.D., Ph.D.
Fellowship Director, Division of Ocular Immunology and Uveitis
The Wilmer Eye Institute
600 North Wolfe Street
Maumenee Building, 3rd floor
Baltimore, MD 21287


Alternate Contact:
Pat Hines

Manager/ Fellowship Coordinator, Division of Ocular Immunology and Uveitis
The Wilmer Eye Institute
Phone(410) 502-1873 / (410) 292-0038

Ocular Immunology and Uveitis Fellowship Director

Jennifer Thorne, MD PhD

  • Chief, Division of Ocular Immunology
  • Professor of Ophthalmology

Expertise: Uveitis
