Advancing Lung Transplantation

Unparalled Patient-Centered Care

The Johns Hopkins lung transplant program has been a pioneering leader in lung transplantation for nearly 25 years. Our lung transplant wait times are lower than the national average, and more than 90 percent of patients report improved quality of life with little or no physical limitation after transplant.

Ex Vivo Perfusion

We are currently offering a limited number of opportunities to participate in national research studies testing ex vivo perfusion for lung transplantation.

Lung Transplantation | The Evaluation Process

Learn about the lung transplant evaluation process, from the first clinic visit to the decision about waitlisting. Understand who is on the transplant team and information they use to determine if transplant is the best option.

Bilateral Lung Transplant | Ben's Story

After a family member noticed abnormalities in Ben Heller’s fingernails, a medical evaluation later revealed he had an aggressive and complex form of lung disease that would require a lung transplant. Ben ultimately listed with Johns Hopkins, quickly underwent surgery and was released within 10 days of his successful bilateral lung transplant.

Clinical Trials

"Our team uses its wealth of expertise and experience to help ensure patients are evaluated efficiently, undergo a transplant safely and have good outcomes."

- Errol Bush, M.D., F.A.C.S., surgical director of the lung transplant program
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