The Johns Hopkins Department of Surgery strives to deliver the highest quality care to patients, consistently redefining excellence in research to create the next generation of surgical leaders and find the best treatments for our patients.

  • Find Care

    Find the surgical care you need at Johns Hopkins.

    Find Care - Friendly hospital environment
  • Medical Education

    Learn more about one of the top-ranked surgical medical school programs in the country.

    Medical Education - Hospital room with physicians
  • Research

    Learn more about the research driving innovations in surgical technique and patient safety.

    Research - Physician researching via microscope.

Request an Appointment

All patients can schedule by phone. Patients with MyChart accounts can schedule appointments with a surgeon through MyChart.

Schedule by phone

New and existing patients: 443-997-1508
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Schedule online through MyChart

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Welcome to the Department of Surgery at Johns Hopkins

Dr. Andrew Cameron is the director of the Department of Surgery at Johns Hopkins. There are many exciting things going on in surgery, including world-changing firsts, notable training programs, clinical growth, innovation and wellness of team members so they can live up to the highest clinical standards for their patients.

Gift of Life: Unraveling the Organ Donation Journey

Every 10 minutes, another name is added to the national organ transplant waiting list. Each day, 21 people die from lack of a transplant. Watch Andrew Cameron, surgeon-in-chief of The Johns Hopkins Hospital, discuss the process of and reasons why one should consider organ donation.


Johns Hopkins Physicians Stand With You

The Johns Hopkins House Staff Diversity Council united the Hopkins community to stand in solidarity with the Black community against systemic inequity and police brutality. We encourage other institutions to take a stand as well.

Charitable Giving

Support innovations and advances in surgery.