Founded in 1992, the Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center Foundation is a private, non-profit organization entrusted to provide philanthropic support of Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center. The foundation is governed by a Board of Trustees, which guides our efforts to raise and manage funds for the hospital. Through the generosity of many caring and compassionate donors, we help Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center respond to the health care needs of our growing community, fostering world-class medical care and wellness services in a convenient, local setting.
Upcoming Events
A Celebration to Honor Greg Kahlert
The Kahlert Foundation has awarded a $3 million commitment to support the renovation of the Observation Unit at Howard County Medical Center. This includes a $600,000 matching gift opportunity in which all donations received will be 100% matched—up to $600,000. One hundred percent of the night’s proceeds go towards supporting the Observation Unit.
Heroes in Health Care - April 23, 2025
Heroes in Health Care is the Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center’s signature event that honors our staff heroes and our community’s philanthropic heroes. We’re excited to bring together corporate supporters, community members, county executives, and our hospital staff for an evening of fun and celebration. More details to come!
Nurses Week 5K Fun Run/ Walk
The funds raised will support our Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center nursing team. It will assist the nursing department with continuing education credits and professional development opportunities. The Nursing Excellence Program strives to create a supportive and empowering work environment for our nurses. Register as an individual, family or group.
Vision for Health - Menopausal Health
Did you know approximately 85% of women experience menopausal symptoms? Plan to join us for an overview of what to expect before, during, and after menopause, and how certain health conditions can be affected.
Ways to Give
Perhaps the best-known way to support the hospital is through cash gifts, including check and credit card payments. Donate online or download our printable donation form. You can double, or even triple, your contribution by finding out if your employer will match your gift. If you would like to make a specific unit, caregiver or staff member aware of your gift, contact our Foundation staff.
If you itemize your deductions you may claim a charitable deduction for the full amount of a gift made in the year the gift is made provided no goods or services were received in exchange for the contribution.
Appreciated stocks and bonds are also popular assets you can donate to the hospital while enjoying a greater tax benefit than for an equivalent cash donation. Generally, in addition to receiving an income-tax deduction for the full, fair market value of the stock, the donor avoids any potential tax on the capital gain of the securities. To qualify for most of these tax benefits, the securities must have been held for more than one year. This tax deduction may be up to 30 percent of your adjusted gross income, and any amount over this limit may be carried forward for five years.
For business owners and their family members with a substantial portion of their estates linked to their business, a gift of closely held stock can provide planning flexibility and tax minimization.
To make a gift of appreciated securities, please contact the Foundation for transfer instructions.
Pledges provide you an opportunity to make a larger gift than you otherwise thought possible by committing your gift over a period of one to three years. Ideally, your pledge should be documented in writing.
A matching gift represents a corporation’s philanthropic interest to support the charities to which its employees contribute. It also encourages a spirit of financial and charitable responsibility. Corporations with matching gift programs tend to match monetary donations as well as volunteer hours. The impact of your gift to Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center may be doubled or possibly tripled!
To find out if your company has a matching gift policy, check with your company's human resources or personnel office to see if your employer matches gifts. Ask for the appropriate Matching Gift form, fill it out, and mail it in with your contribution (or a reference to your recent contribution) to:
Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center Foundation
5755 Cedar Lane
Columbia, MD 21044 -
Our patients and staff greatly appreciate community donations and volunteer hours. There are some restrictions on items that can be donated, due to infection control standards and general patient safety.
Download an in-kind donation form.
What we can accept:
- New, unused items in original packaging that have been purchased within the last three months
- New books
- New, unused handmade items (caps, pillows, pillow cases, scrub type pants, quilts etc.)
What we cannot accept:
- Used toys
- New stuffed toys more than 18-inches tall
- Stuffed toys from vending machines or carnivals
- Food and/or candy
- Cards (handmade or commercially produced)
- Latex balloons or anything containing latex
- Sports cards
- Toys with violent themes or that are insensitive to a culturally diverse population
- Medications and medical equipment
Donations of items can be made through our volunteer services office. Please call 410-884-4580 or email
Donate Services
We are grateful to the many businesses and individuals who donate much-needed in-kind products and services to the Foundation. From cozy blankets for the hospital’s tiniest newborns to delicious food to serve at our events to advertising space and graphic arts services to promote our many programs, in-kind donations are non-monetary gifts that lend heartfelt support to the hospital.
Hospital Activities
Music, pet therapy and other activities can offer comfort and healing for patients. Any proposed program or activity that would take place in the hospital and involve our patients (e.g., holiday carols, musical serenade, class project) must be planned with sufficient notice for staff coordination. Please allow three weeks’ notice. Due to limited resources, we are not able to accommodate all requests. To explore a program or activity at the hospital, contact our volunteer services office at 410-884-4580.
To respect the privacy of our patients and to comply with Federal patient privacy laws, individuals who are not visiting a specific patient with permission are not permitted in patient care areas.
Hosting an event or organizing a fundraiser for Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center is a wonderful way to give back to the hospital and support health and wellness in our community! The Howard Hospital Foundation has developed policies to help make your fundraiser the best it can be. All events and fundraisers benefitting JHHCMC need approval from the Howard Hospital Foundation. The application and approval process is designed to be easy, quick, and ensures that JHHCMC will benefit from your generosity.
Memorial gifts are a thoughtful way to celebrate a special occasion or to memorialize a loved one. Gifts may be given to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, Mother's Day, Father's Day and Grandparents' Day, or to announce a retirement, birth, graduation or job promotion. You may honor anyone for any reason at any time.
Making an honor or memorial gift is a meaningful way to extend condolences and/or congratulations to friends and family members throughout the year. When you give in this manner, we will send a special acknowledgement of your gift to the person being honored or to the family of the person being memorialized.
Have you ever had a hospital experience that made you feel like a specific caregiver made a world of difference during your stay? Johns Hopkins Howard County staff is committed to making sure you and your family members are well cared for.
It is because of these special occurrences that our Foundation started the Honor a Caregiver program. This program allows JHHCMC patrons and friends to make a donation in honor of a caregiver who made a difference during your or your loved one’s hospital experience. Be it a physician, nurse, housekeeper or other caregiver – oftentimes just one person or many people can make all the difference.
Your JHHCMC caregiver will be acknowledged and thanked for their outstanding and compassionate care.
Your donation will support new equipment, staff education, community wellness and other enhancements designed to save and improve lives. You can help bring healing to the community and make a difference now and well into the future. Donate online or call 410-740-7840.
Contact Us
Our development team can help you direct your gift to Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center in a way that is most meaningful to you. Whether you would like to put your donation to work today or in the future, we can help you develop a plan that works with your estate or financial goals.
Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center Foundation
5755 Cedar Lane
Columbia, MD 21044 | 410-740-7840
The Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization; contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible as allowed by law. We appreciate your support. The Employer Identification Number (EIN) for Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center is 52-2093120.