Research in Proton Therapy

Treatment Planning

We develop and clinically translate advanced treatment planning algorithms to optimize proton therapy delivery for different scenarios such as biologically guided proton therapy and adaptive proton therapy.

Imaging Techniques

We integrate new imaging techniques, such as MRI and PET, to improve proton therapy treatment planning and monitoring and develop novel image guidance techniques using cone beam CT, surface imaging etc to improve treatment delivery accuracy.

Motion Monitoring

We develop advanced motion monitoring techniques using surface imaging and x-ray imaging to monitor and account for patient movement during proton therapy delivery, including respiratory gating and real-time tumor tracking.

Quality Assurance

We develop quality assurance methods for proton therapy and measures to ensure the safe and effective delivery of proton therapy, including accurate patient positioning, dose verification, and treatment plan validation.

Radiobiology and outcome modeling

We investigate the biological effects of proton therapy under the interplay of dose, dose rate, and other characteristics via in-vitro and in-vivo studies. We employ data science approaches to study biological effects of proton therapy and integrate the results in clinic to reduce toxicity to healthy tissues while maintaining or improving tumor control.

Core Faculty

  • Rachel Ger

    Assistant Professor

    Rachel Ger
  • Tom Hrinivich

    Assistant Professor

    Tom Hrinivich
  • Heng Li

    Associate Professor
    Director of Proton Physics
    Vice Chief of Physics/Clinical-NCR

    Heng Li
  • Todd McNutt

    Associate Professor
    Director of Clinical Informatics
    Director of Medical Physics Residency

    Todd McNutt
  • Khadija Sheikh

    Assistant Professor
    Associate Program Director of Medical Physics Residency

    Khadija Sheikh
  • Lingshu Yin

    Assistant Professor

    Lingshu Yin