Research in Novel Therapeutic Forms


We explore the use of immunotherapy in combination with radiation therapy to enhance the immune response to cancer cells. We use imaging methods to monitor the normal tissue toxicity from immunotherapy combined with radiation therapy such as pneumonitis when treating lung cancer.


We utilize nanotechnology to develop new drug delivery systems and enhance the efficacy of radiation therapy such as magnetic hyperthermia therapy.

FLASH Radiotherapy

We focus on the development and optimization of FLASH radiation therapy, a type of radiation therapy that delivers high doses of radiation at an ultra-fast rate, in the order of milliseconds. We are also investigating the biological effects of FLASH radiation on normal and tumor tissues, and the potential benefits of FLASH radiation in reducing toxicity to healthy tissues while maintaining or improving tumor control.

Spatially Fractionated Radiation Therapy (SFRT)

Spatially Fractionated Radiation Therapy (SFRT) is a radiotherapy technique that delivers non-uniform dose distributions, characterized by alternating high and low doses across the tumor. We focus on understanding the underlying biological mechanisms and optimizing the impact of dosimetric and geometric parameters on the biological response and clinical outcomes. We also investigate the synergetic effects of SFRT in combination with other treatment modalities such as immunotherapy and FLASH radiation.

Core Faculty

  • Kai Ding

    Associate Professor

    Kai Ding
  • Heng Li

    Associate Professor
    Director of Proton Physics
    Vice Chief of Physics/Clinical-NCR

    Heng Li
  • Devin Miles


    Devin Miles
  • Wil Ngwa

    Associate Professor

    Wil Ngwa
  • Mohammad Rezaee

    Assistant Professor

    Mohammad Rezaee
  • Khadija Sheikh

    Assistant Professor
    Associate Program Director of Medical Physics Residency

    Khadija Sheikh