Transition to Residency and Internship and Preparation for Life (TRIPLE)

This two-week capstone course is offered twice in April of Year Four. The goal of TRIPLE is to prepare students to work effectively as interns, residents and practicing physicians. Additionally, it will help students to develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to be successful in their professional lives. In addition to Advanced Cardiac Life Support Certification, activities include exercises in Rapid Response scenarios; central venous catheter and interosseus line insertion; airway management; multitasking, organization and prioritization; advanced communications; reflective writing; teaching skills and facilitated small group discussions.  

Course Goals

By the end of the two-week course, students will be able to identify and apply specific skills necessary for successful transition to residency. These include:

Patient-care skills

  • Administering BLS and ACLS
  • Managing common emergency situations (shock/hemorrhage, ventricular tachycardia, respiratory distress, anaphylaxis)
  • Inserting a central venous and/or interosseus catheter
  • Managing an airway  
  • Obtaining informed consent
  • Pronouncing a patient dead
  • Completing a death certificate
  • Disclosing medical error
  • Identifying preferences for end-of-life care
  • Communicating effectively and compassionately with patients and families in order to form and sustain effective medical care

Management skills

  • More effectively managing time as a physician
  • Organizing and prioritizing multiple tasks
  • Safely transferring the care of patients to others
  • Teaching others
  • Managing conflict

Self-care skills

(i.e., recognition and management of personal stress and specific skills necessary for personal and professional growth)

  • Reflecting on your experience as a physician
  • Critically appraising your knowledge and practice of medicine

Course Director

Sharon Bord, MD

  • Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine


Delena Dodd
Academic Program Administrator

Time Commitment and Course Length

The course runs for two weeks. It is offered twice in April of Year Four.