Psychiatry at Sibley Memorial Hospital

BH team

Psychiatric services at Sibley are provided by the hospital’s Behavioral Health Unit. In surveys conducted by the Washingtonian magazine, Sibley’s inpatient unit has consistently been among the top choices for psychiatric treatment in the Washington, D.C. region. 

Inpatient Services

Sibley Memorial Hospital’s inpatient Behavioral Health Program provides acute, short-term treatment for patients ages 18 and older in need of a safe, secure and therapeutic environment. The clinical treatment program is designed to return patients to their optimal levels of functioning as quickly as possible.

The inpatient program includes:

  • 24-hour nursing support
  • Psychiatric assessment by experienced psychiatrists
  • Medication stabilization and management
  • Multidisciplinary treatment planning
  • Social work/expressive therapy groups
  • Physical and occupational therapy consults
  • Nutrition consults

Outpatient Services

Sibley is one of very few providers in the area who offers the next generation of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) therapy, known as deep TMS or dTMS. This therapy, given on an outpatient basis, is a powerful depression treatment for patients for whom medications are inappropriate or ineffective.

Sibley also offers electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for outpatients when clinically indicated.

Contact Us

For more information about the psychiatry program, please contact social work at 202-660-7445

If you or a loved one are experiencing a mental health crisis, please seek immediate assistance by presenting to the nearest emergency room. Admission to inpatient care begins through the emergency room, ensuring prompt evaluation and appropriate support for those in need.

To be evaluated for outpatient dTMS treatment or to learn more, please contact Agnes Bradley-Wright, TMS coordinator, at [email protected] or 202-660-6702.

If you have questions about outpatient ECT services, please contact Chrissy Fennell, ECT coordinator, at [email protected] or 202-243-5178.

Frequently Asked Questions