Clinical Research Partners

Johns Hopkins Institute for Clinical & Translational Research (ICTR)

The OCT and ICTR partner together to provide guidance, direction, resources, and broad support to researchers and their teams at Johns Hopkins University.

The ICTR, established in 2007, is one of more than 60 medical research institutions funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical and Translational Sciences Award (CTSA) program.

The ICTR program assists research teams with the registration and reporting requirements for clinical trials. For more information visit: Program

Johns Hopkins Clinical Research Network (JHCRN)

The Johns Hopkins Clinical Research Network (JHCRN) connects Johns Hopkins Medicine with community health care partners to promote multi-site clinical research, both investigator and industry-sponsored initiatives, in diverse health systems. Our health care partners include Allegheny Health Network (Pittsburgh, PA), Reading Hospital (Reading, PA) Anne Arundel Medical Center (Annapolis, MD) and Peninsula Regional Medical Center (Salisbury, MD).

Johns Hopkins All Children’s Institute for Clinical and Translational Research (JHAC ICTR) & Johns Hopkins All Children’s Clinical & Translational Research Organization (JHAC CTRO)

The JHAC ICTR engages investigators who share a collective passion not only for what the clinical and translational research reveals, but also how one conducts the research. The JHAC ICTR is comprised of several JHACH campus-wide Centers of Research Emphasis that bring together investigators from all JHACH Departments and Institutes. These JHAC ICTR centers include: the Center for Pediatric Early-Phase Trials (C-PEPT); the Center for Pediatric Health Equity Research (C-PHER); the Data Coordinating Center (DCC) for Pediatric Multicenter Studies; the Training, Education, Engagement and Mentorship (TEEM) Center; and the Center for Pediatric Data Science and Analytic Methodology (PDSAM).

The JHACH CTRO is a highly coordinated suite of cores and shared resources that provide state-of-the-art research tools, technologies, best practices consultation, training, and professional staff services to empower clinical and translational research in child health and disease, conducted and/or led by investigators on the JHACH campus and beyond. 

Useful Links

  • CCDA The Core for Clinical Research Data Acquisition (CCDA) is one of the 10 Data Trust analytic teams responsible for assisting researchers with accessing clinical data for research. Contact: [email protected] CCDA is one of the clinical research informatics cores under the ICTR.
  • Johns Hopkins Biostatistics Center (JHBC) To seek help with your study design contact the Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Data Management (BEAD) Core at [email protected]
  • JHCRN Johns Hopkins Clinical Research Network (JHCRN)
  • JHM OnCore Research Hub Up to date information about our new Clinical Trial Management System Oncore
  • CORA Community of Research Administrators (CORA). This website portal has been developed by and for SOM (School of Medicine) staff to provide a ‘one-stop shop’ for resources, tools, and information needed to manage sponsored research funding at Johns Hopkins.
  • Bayview Research and Discovery at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
  • Conflict of Interest Training: Visit MyLearning Conflict of Interest and Commitment training module MyLearning.
  • FIBI information and Training:
  • Record Retention Guidelines and Policies JHM Organization Requirements on record retention
  • Health and Safety Training Pathogens and Dangerous Good Shipping online training courses
  • TriNetX is a web-based clinical research platform that offers a database of de-identified patient information from diverse healthcare institutions, facilitating data analysis and collaboration for researchers.
    Please visit: TriNetX for training and account access