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  • David Dowdy Lab

    The David Dowdy Lab conducts research in the field of infectious disease epidemiology. We use an interdisciplinary approach that involves infectious disease modeling, health economics, classical epidemiology, and operational and implementation science. Much of our work explores the diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis. We also have a longstanding interest in “translational epidemiology,” with a goal of developing methods to help medical professionals who use epidemiological data make decisions that are in the best interest of patients and public health.

    Principal Investigator

    David Wesley Dowdy, MD MSC PhD



  • Maunank Shah Lab

    Work in the Maunank Shah Lab focuses on infectious disease modeling and health economics, and seeks to investigate new strategies for diagnosing HIV and tuberculosis (TB) in areas with limited resources, both domestically and abroad. Our primary focus is TB diagnostics, with studies examining the diagnostic test accuracy, cost-effectiveness and programmatic impact of emerging diagnostics. We have developed mobile health initiatives to incorporate video-based therapy for TB treatment, and we have a longstanding interest in interventions that help to reduce or prevent HIV transmission.
    Lab Website

    Principal Investigator

    Maunank Shah, MD

