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  • Hadi Kharrazi Lab

    Research in the Hadi Kharrazi Lab focuses primarily on contextualizing clinical decision support (CDS) into population health informatics (PHI) to be used at different HIT levels of managed care, including electronic health records (EHRs) and consumer health informatics (CHI) solutions. Our team has modified and regenerated electronic quality measures (eQM) based on PHI-derived CDS to represent a population aspect of the health quality measurements. Through the Center for Population Health IT (CPHIT) at the Bloomberg School of Public Health, we are pursuing PHI research that provides direct population-based CDS to providers, patients and payers.
    Lab Website

    Principal Investigator

    Hadi Kharrazi, MD PhD



  • Pali Shah Lab

    Research in the Pali Shah Lab focuses on lung transplants. Specifically, we’re interested in chronic rejection and quality and safety as they relate to lung transplants.

    Principal Investigator

    Pali Shah, MD



  • Allan Gelber Lab

    The Allan Gelber Lab conducts research on the clinical epidemiology of rheumatic disorders. Our recent studies have explored topics that include the predicting factors of prevalent and incident gout; cardiovascular disease burden and risk in patients with rheumatoid arthritis; autoantibodies in both primary and secondary SjogrenÕs syndrome; and predictors of outcomes in patients with scleroderma. In addition, we have a long-standing interest in the ways in which racial differences affect disease manifestations in relation to rheumatic disorders.

    Principal Investigator

    Allan Gelber, MD



  • Anna Durbin Lab

    The Anna Durbin Lab evaluates experimental vaccines through human clinical trials. We have conducted both pediatric and adult clinical trials on vaccines for HIV, hepatitis C, HPV, influenza, malaria, dengue virus, rotavirus and other viruses. We also have a longstanding interest in better understanding the immunologic factors of dengue infection and disease. We’re working to identify the viral, host and immunologic factors that cause severe dengue illness.
    Lab Website

    Principal Investigator

    Anna P. Durbin, MD



  • Amita Gupta Lab

    The Amita Gupta Lab focuses on drug trials to prevent and treat HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and other co-morbidities in adults, including pregnant women and children who reside in low-income settings. We also conduct cohort studies assessing HIV, inflammation and nutrition in international settings; TB in pregnancy; and risk factors for TB in India (CTRIUMPH). We collaborate with several faculty in the Center for TB Research, Division of Infectious Diseases and the School of Public Health.

    Principal Investigator

    Amita Gupta, MD MHS



  • Alain Labrique Lab

    The Alain Labrique Lab conducts research on infectious diseases and public health. Our team studies the various factors that lead to maternal and neonatal mortality, particularly in underserved populations in South Asia, using the tools of infectious disease epidemiology, molecular biology and biostatistics. We work to better understand factors such as the interface of micronutrient deficiency and maternal/infant mortality and the prevention of nosocomial infections through mechanistic or nutritional interventions. We also have a longstanding interest in technologies that may enable early detection of disease.

    Principal Investigator

    Alain B. Labrique, PhD

  • Jonathan Weiner Lab

    The Jonathan Weiner Lab researches the impact of electronic health records (EHRs), e-health and other health information technology (HIT) on populations, integrated delivery systems and public health agencies.

    Principal Investigator

    Jonathan Weiner, DPH

  • John Matthew Austin Lab

    Research in the John Matthew Austin Lab explores health care performance measures, with a goal of improving patient care by enabling healthcare providers to view data about their performance, track patient outcomes and comply with best care practices. Our lab is currently working to develop performance measures for the ICU part, and we are part of The Leapfrog Group, an annual survey of U.S. hospitals that compares hospital performance on national measures of safety, quality and efficiency. Our research also explores the use of scientifically sound decision-support tools for guiding improvements in healthcare delivery systems.
  • Joseph Gallo Lab

    Research in the Joseph Gallo Lab focuses on the form and course of depression in older adults; treatment in primary care settings; the use of mixed methods in health services research; and the epidemiology of psychiatric disorders in the population. Using NIMH Epidemiologic Catchment Area survey data, we have conducted studies using novel statistical modeling (the MIMIC model) to explore how depression presents differently among older adults versus younger people. We are taking part in the long-term follow-up of PROSPECT (Prevention of Suicide in Primary Care Elderly – Collaborative Trial) — a randomized study of depression management in primary care practices — and have examined mortality as an outcome in the context of medical comorbidity.
  • John Sampson Lab

    Researchers in the John Sampson Lab investigate relevant, appropriate, affordable and sustainable ways to improve anesthesia and perioperative care in low-resource settings. The team’s research interests include the Universal Anesthesia Machine; interpersonal relationships between anesthesia providers and their patients; how the quality of those relationships impacts professionalism, autonomy, anxiety, patient cooperation and patient satisfaction; how disease influences cerebrovascular reactivity as measured by MRI; and how education and communication can improve medical care in Africa and other austere environments. The team is currently working with clinicians in Ghana, Ethiopia and Kenya.