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  • Alan Scott Lab

    Research in the Alan Scott Lab involves several important areas of genomics. Our team collaborates on a study to investigate the exon and genome sequence variants that determine phenotype, with a specific focus on the genetic bases of cleft lip and palate. We are also involved in assessing and improving genomic technologies to provide next-generation sequencing and analysis of sequence data to the clinical environment. In addition, we have a longstanding interest in the problem of gene annotation and the evolutionary genomics of vertebrates, especially endangered species.

    Principal Investigator

    Alan F. Scott, PhD



  • Carlo Colantuoni Laboratory

    Dr. Colantuoni and his colleagues explore human brain development and molecular mechanisms that give rise to risk for complex brain disease. His team uses genomic technologies to examine human brain tissue as well as stem models and vast public data resources.

    Principal Investigator

    Carlo Colantuoni, PhD




  • The Halushka Lab

    The Halushka laboratory is interested in the overarching question of expression localization in tissues. To address this, the laboratory has set out upon several avenues of discovery in the areas of microRNA expression, proteomics and tissue gene expression. Many of these queries relate to the cardiovascular field as Dr. Halushka is a cardiovascular pathologist. Come learn about the science being done in the laboratory.