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  • Neuro-Oncology Surgical Outcomes Laboratory

    Directed by Debraj “Raj” Mukherjee, MD, MPH, the laboratory focuses on improving access to care, reducing disparities, maximizing surgical outcomes, and optimizing quality of life for patients with brain and skull base tumors.

    The laboratory achieves these aims by creating and analyzing institutional and national databases, developing and validating novel patient-centered quality of life instruments, leveraging machine learning and artificial intelligence platforms to risk-stratify vulnerable patient populations, and designing novel surgical trials to push the boundaries of neurosurgical innovation.

    Our research also investigates novel approaches to improve neurosurgical medical education including studying the utility of video-based surgical coaching and the design of new operative instrumentation.

    Principal Investigator

    Raj Mukherjee, MD MPH




  • Nicholas Flavahan Lab

    The Nicholas Flavahan Lab primarily researches the cellular interactions and subcellular signaling pathways that control normal vascular function and regulate the initiation of vascular disease. We use biochemical and molecular analyses of cellular mediators and cell signaling mechanisms in cultured vascular cells, while also conducting physiological assessments and fluorescent microscopic imaging of signaling systems in isolated blood vessels. A major component of our research involves aterioles, tiny blood vessles that are responsible for controlling the peripheral resistance of the cardiovascular system, which help determine organ blood flow.
  • Kendall Moseley Lab

    Research in the Kendall Moseley Lab is focused on the interplay between type 2 diabetes, aging and osteoporosis. We also study the function of bone stem cells in the regulation of bone remodeling.

    Principal Investigator

    Kendall Moseley, MD



  • Ken Witwer Laboratory

    The Ken Witwer Laboratory investigates extracellular vesicles and RNA in the context of HIV infection and inflammatory disease. We are also actively assessing the effects of diet on extracellular RNA as a potential therapeutic approach.
  • Kathleen Sutcliffe Lab

    Researchers in the Kathleen Sutcliffe Lab study organizational adaptability, reliability and resilience. Our work examines how factors such as management teams, group dynamics, information search processes, communication and learning processes affect organizational performance. Our team also studies how an organization’s design and culture affect members’ abilities to sense, manage and respond to dynamic demands. Additionally, our work seeks to better understand the factors that promote individual and organizational resilience.
  • Kathleen Cullen Lab

    We are continually in motion. This self-motion is sensed by the vestibular system, which contributes to an impressive range of brain functions, from the most automatic reflexes to spatial perception and motor coordination. The objective of Dr. Cullen's lab's research program is to understand the mechanisms by which self-motion (vestibular) information is encoded and then integrated with signals from other modalities to ensure accurate perception and control of gaze and posture. Our studies investigate the sensorimotor transformations required for the control of movement, by tracing the coding of vestibular stimuli from peripheral afferents, to behaviorally-contingent responses in central pathways, to the readout of accurate perception and behavior. Our experimental approach is multidisciplinary and includes a combination of behavioral, neurophysiological and computational approaches in alert behaving non-human primates and mice. Funding for the laboratory has been and is provided by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR), The National Institutes of Health (NIH), the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), FQRNT / FQRSC (Quebec).
    Lab Website

    Principal Investigator

    Kathleen Cullen, PhD


    Biomedical Engineering

  • Kristin Riekert Lab

    Work in the Kristin Riekert Lab focuses on methods for improving health care quality and delivery, particularly among underserved and disadvantaged populations. Our research covers a range of important topics, including health beliefs, treatment adherence, doctor-patient communication, self-management interventions, mobile health initiatives, health disparities and patient-reported outcome methodology. We also work with the National Institutes of Health on multiple intervention trials focused on improving adherence and health outcomes in asthma, chronic kidney disease, cystic fibrosis (CF), sickle cell disease and secondhand smoke reduction.

    Principal Investigator

    Kristin Riekert, PhD



  • Kristina Nielsen Laboratory

    The Kristina Nielsen Laboratory investigates neural circuits in the visual cortex that are responsible for encoding objects to understand how the visual system performs object recognition. We aim to reveal the fine-scale organization of neural circuits, with an emphasis on higher-level visual areas. We use two-photon microscopy to perform high-resolution functional imaging of visual areas in the non-human primate. We also investigate how the function of higher visual areas changes over the course of brain development in ferrets, by measuring the activity of single neurons in these areas, as well as determining the animal's visual capabilities at various developmental stages. In both types of investigations, we also rely on detailed anatomical techniques to precisely observe how the function of neuronal circuits is related to their structure.
    Lab Website

    Principal Investigator

    Kristina J. Nielsen, PhD



  • The Koliatsos Lab

    Founded in the late 1980s, our Lab explores the fundamental mechanisms of neural responses to traumatic and degenerative signals and works to identify targets for treating injury/degeneration with small molecules, peptides and cells. We currently focus on traumatic and degenerative axonopathies as they occur in traumatic brain injury (diffuse axonal injury), neurodegenerative diseases i.e. Alzheimer's disease and other white matter conditions, e.g. hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, demyelination. We are especially interested in the role of the MAPK cascade of injury, NAD metabolism and SARM1 signaling and their convergence on Wallerian degeneration.
    Lab Website

    Principal Investigator

    Vassili E. Koliatsos, MD



  • Komatsu Lab

    Malfunction and malformation of blood vessels are associated with a broad range of medical conditions, including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and neurological disorders. The ultimate goal of the Komatsu lab is to find a way to reverse the process of abnormal vessel formation and restore normal function to these vessels. In cancer, normalization of tumor blood vessels facilitates lymphocyte infiltration, potentiating anti-tumor immunity, and enhances the efficacy of immunotherapies as well as conventional cancer treatments. Normalization of regenerating blood vessels is also necessary for reestablishing blood flow to ischemic hearts and limbs, and preventing blindness caused by diabetic retinopathy or macular degeneration. Komatsu lab’s research is uncovering key molecular pathways important for the normalization of pathological vasculature.

    Principal Investigator

    Masanobu Komatsu, PhD


    Orthopaedic Surgery