OACIS Publications


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Mechanical Ventilation/Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Chan KS, Mourtzakis M, Friedman LA, Dinglas VD, Hough CL, Ely EW, Morris PE, Hopkins RO, Needham DM. Evaluating muscle mass in survivors of ARDS: a 1-year multi-center longitudinal study. Critical Care Medicine. 2018;46(8):1238-1246.

Chan KS, Mourtzakis M, Friedman LA, Dinglas VD, Hough CL, Ely EW, Morris PE, Hopkins RO, Needham DM with the National Institutes of Health NHLBI ARDS Network. Upper arm anthropometrics versus DXA scan in survivors of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2018;72:613-617.

Sibilla A, Nydahl P, Greco N, Mungo G, Ott N, Unger I, Rezek S, Gemperle S, Needham DM, Kudchadkar SR. Mobilization of mechanically ventilated patients in Switzerland. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine. 2017; In press.

Brown SM, Wilson E, Presson AP, Dinglas VD, Greene T, Hopkins RO, Needham DM, with NIH NHLBI ARDS Network. Understanding patient outcomes after acute respiratory distress syndrome: identifying subtypes of physical, cognitive, and mental health outcomes. Thorax. 2017; 72:1094-1103. Video / Editorial

Kamdar BB, Huang M, Dinglas VD, Colantuoni E,Von Watcher TM, Hopkins RO, Needham DM andthe NIH NHLBI ARDS Network, Joblessness and Lost Earnings After ARDS in a 1-Year National Multicenter Study. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.2017;196:1012-1020. Free ATS JournalPodcast*Disclaimer: the audio quality of voices hassome distortion due to recording problems.

Eakin ME, Patel Y, Mendez-Tellez P, Dinglas VD, Needham DM, Turnbull AE. Patient outcomes after acute respiratory failure: A qualitative study of survivors’ experience using the PROMIS framework. American Journal of Critical Care. 2017;26:456-465.

Chan KS, Aronson Friedman L, Dinglas VD, Hough CL, Shanholtz C, Ely EW, Morris PE, Mendez-Tellez PA, Jackson JC, Hopkins RO, Needham DM. Are physical measures related to patient-centered outcomes in ARDS survivors? Thorax.  2017;72 884-892.

Brodsky MB, Huang M, Shanholtz C, Mendez-Tellez PA, Palmer JB, Colantuoni E, Needham DM. Recovery of dysphagia symptoms after oral endotracheal intubation in ARDS survivors: A 5-year longitudinal study. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 201714(3):376-383

Dinglas VD, Friedman LA, Colantuoni E, Mendez-Tellez PA, Shanholtz CB, Ciesla ND, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Muscle weakness and 5-year survival in acute respiratory distress syndrome survivors. Critical Care Medicine. 2017 45(3):446-453

Pfoh ER, Wozniak AW, Colantuoni E, Dinglas VD, Mendez-Tellez PA, Shanholtz C, Ciesla ND, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM.. Physical declines occurring after hospital discharge in ARDS survivors: a 5-year longitudinal study. Intensive Care Medicine. 2016;42:1557-1566.

Brown SM, Wilson E, Presson AP, Zhang C, Dinglas VD, Greene T, Hopkins RO, Needham DM, with NIH NHLBI ARDS Network. Predictors of 6 month health utility outcomes in survivors of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Thorax. 2017.72:311-317.

Jolley SE, Moss M, Needham DM, Caldwell E, Morris PE, Miller RR, Ringwood N, Anders M, Koo KK, Gundel SE, Parry SM, Hough CL, with the ARDS Network Investigators. Point prevalence study of mobilization practices for acute respiratory failure patients in the United States. Critical Care Medicine. 2017;45:205-215.

Pfoh E.R., Chan K.S., Dinglas V.D., Cuthbertson B.H., Elliott D., Porter R., Bienvenu O.J., Hopkins R.O., Needham D.M. The SF-36 offers a strong measure of mental health symptoms in acute respiratory failure survivors: a tri-national analysis.Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2016; 1343-1350.

Dinglas VD, Hopkins RO, Wozniak AW, Hough CL, Morris PE, Jackson JC, Mendez-Tellez PA, Bienvenu OJ, Ely EW, Colantuoni E, Needham DM. One-year outcomes of rosuvastatin vs. placebo in sepsis-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome: prospective follow-up of SAILS randomized trial. Thorax. 2016; 71: 401-410

Chan KS, Aronson Friedman L, Dinglas VD, Hough CL, Morris PE, Mendez-Tellez PA, Jackson JC, Ely EW, Hopkins RO, Needham DM. Evaluating physical outcomes in ARDS survivors: validity, responsiveness & minimal important difference of 4-meter gait speed test. Critical Care Medicine. 2016. 44 (5): 859-868.

Jutte JE, Needham DM, Pfoh ER, Bienvenu OJ. Psychometric evaluation of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale 3 months after acute lung injury. Journal of Critical Care 2015;30:793-798.

Needham DM, Yang T, Dinglas VD, Mendez-Tellez PA, Shanholtz C, Sevransky JE, Brower RG, Pronovost PJ, Colantuoni E. Timing of low tidal volume ventilation and ICU mortality in ARDS: A prospective cohort study. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2015;191:177-185.

Brodsky MB, Gonzalez-Fernandez M, Mendez-Tellez PA, Shanholtz C, Palmer JB, Needham DM. Factors associated with swallowing assessment after oral endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation for acute lung injury. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2014;11:1545-1552. PMCID:PMC4298980

Kho ME, Truong AD, Zanni JM, Ciesla ND, Brower RG, Palmer JB, Needham DM. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation in mechanically ventilated patients: A randomized, sham-controlled pilot trial with blinded outcome assessment. Journal of Critical Care. 2015;30:32-39.

Hodgson C, Stiller K, Needham DM, Tipping C, Harrold M, Baldwin CE, Bradley S, Berney S, Caruana LR, Elliott D, Green M, Haines K, Higgins AM, Kaukonen KM, Leditschke IA, Nickels MR, Paratz J, Patman S, Skinner EH, Young PJ, Zanni JM, Denehy L, Webb SA. Expert consensus and recommendations on safety criteria for active mobilization of mechanically ventilated critically ill adults. Critical Care. 2014; 18:658. PMCID: PMC4301888

Needham DM, Wozniak AW, Hough CL, Morris PE, Dinglas VD, Jackson JC, Mendez-Tellez PA, Shanholtz C, Ely WE, Colantuoni E, Hopkins RO. Risk factors for physical impairment after acute lung injury in a national, multi-center study. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2014; 189:1214-1224.

Netzer G, Dowdy D, Harrington T, Chandolu S, Dinglas V, Shah NG, Colantuoni E, Mendez-Tellez P, Shanholtz C, Hasday JD, Needham DM. Fever is Associated with delayed ventilator liberation in acute lung injury. Annals of The American Thoracic Society. 2013;10:608-615. PMCID: PMC3960965

Hager DN, Dinglas VD, Subhas S, Rowden AM, Neufeld KJ, Bienvenu OJ, Touradji P, Colantuoni E, Reddy DRS, Brower RG, Needham DM. Reducing deep sedation and delirium in acute lung injury patients: a quality improvement project.Critical Care Medicine. 2013; 41, 1435-1442.

Needham DM, Colantuoni E, Mendez-Tellez PA, Dinglas VD, Sevransky JE, Dennison Himmelfarb CR, Desai SV, Shanholtz C, Brower RG, Pronovost PJ. Lung protective mechanical ventilation and 2-year survival for acute lung injury: a prospective cohort study. BMJ. 2012;344:e2124. Free Full Text Version

Bienvenu OJ, Colantuoni E, Mendez-Tellez PA, Dinglas VD, Shanholz C, Husain N, Dennison CR, Herridge MS, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Depressive symptoms and impaired physical function after acute lung injury: a 2-year longitudinal study. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2012;185:517-524.

Ranieri VM, Rubenfeld GD, Thompson BT, Ferguson ND, Caldwell E, Fan E, Camporota L, Slutsky AS, Antonelli M, Anzueto A, Beale R, Brochard L, Brower R, Esteban A, Gattinoni L, Rhodes A, Vincent J-L, Bersten A, Needham D, Persenti A. Acute respiratory distress syndrome: the Berlin definition.JAMA. 2012; 307(23):2526-2533.

Damluji A, Colantuoni E, Mendez-Tellez PA, Sevransky JE, Fan E, Shanholtz C, Wojnar M, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Short-term mortality prediction for acute lung injury patients: external validation of the ARDSNet prediction model. Critical Care Medicine. 2011;36:1023-1028.

Wang W, Scharfstein D, Wang C, Daniels M, Needham D, Brower R. Estimating the causal effect of low tidal volume ventilation on survival in patients with acute lung injury. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics).2011;60:475-496.

Dasenbrook EC, Needham DM, Brower RG, Fan E. Higher positive end-expiratory pressure in patients with acute lung injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Respiratory Care. 2011;56:568-575.

Spragg RG, Bernard GR, Checkley W, Curtis JR, Gajic O, Guyatt G, Hall J, Israel E, Jain M, Needham DM, Randolph AG, Rubenfeld GD, Schoenfeld D, Thompson BT, Ware LB, Young D, Harabin AL. Beyond mortality: future clinical research in acute lung injury: an NHLBI workshop report. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine; 2010;181:1121-1127.

Mendez-Tellez P, Damluji A, Ammerman D, Colantuoni E, Fan E, Sevransky JE, Shanholtz C, Gallant JE, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Human immunodeficiency virus infection and hospital mortality in acute lung injury patients. Critical Care Medicine. 2010;38:1530-1535.

Sevransky J, Martin GS, Shanholtz C, Mendez-Tellez P, Pronovost PJ, Brower R, Needham DM. Mortality in sepsis versus non-sepsis induced acute lung injury. Critical Care. 2009;13:R150

Murphy D, Howard D, Muriithi A, Mendez-Tellez P, Sevransky J, Shanholtz C, Netzer G, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Red blood cell transfusion practices in acute lung injury: what do patient factors contribute? Critical Care Medicine. 2009; 37:1935-1940.

Umoh NJ, Fan E, Mendez-Tellez PA, Sevransky JE, Dennison CR, Shanholtz C, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Patient and ICU organizational factors associated with low tidal volume ventilation in acute lung injury. Critical Care Medicine. 2008; 36:1463-1468.

Fan E, Khatri P, Mendez-Tellez PA, Shanholtz S, Needham DM. Sedation and analgesia usage with airway pressure release and assist-control ventilation for acute lung injury. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine. 2008;23:376-383.

Sevransky J, Martin GS, Mendez-Tellez P, Shanholtz C, Brower R, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Pulmonary vs. non-pulmonary sepsis and mortality in acute lung injury. Chest. 2008;134 534-538

Dennison CR, Mendez-Tellez PA, Wang W, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Barriers to low tidal volume ventilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome: survey development, validation and results. Critical Care Medicine. 2007;35:2747-2754

Fan E, Needham DM, Stewart TE. Ventilatory management of acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). 2005;294:2889-2896.

Psychiatric Issues in Critical Care

Oh ES, Needham DM, Nikooie R, Wilson LM, Zhang A, Robinson KA, et al. Antipsychotics for Preventing Delirium in Hospitalized Adults: A Systematic Review. Ann Intern Med. [Epub ahead of print 3 September 2019] doi: 10.7326/M19-1859.  

Nikooie R, Neufeld KJ, Oh ES, Wilson LM, Zhang A, Robinson KA, et al. Antipsychotics for Treating Delirium in Hospitalized Adults: A Systematic Review. Ann Intern Med. [Epub ahead of print 3 September 2019] doi: 10.7326/M19-1860. Free Article

Marcantonio ER. Old Habits Die Hard: Antipsychotics for Treatment of Delirium. Ann Intern Med. [Epub ahead of print 3 September 2019] doi: 10.7326/M19-262. Free Article

Hosey MM, Leoutsakos JM, Li X, Dinglas VD, Bienvenu JO, Parker AM, Hopkins RO, Needham DM, Neufeld KJ. Screening for posttraumatic stress disorder in ARDS survivors validation of the impact of event scale-6 (IES-6). Critical Care. 2019; 23: 276. Free Article.

Ibrahim K, McCarthy CP, McCarthy KJ, Brown CH, Needham DM, Januzzi Jr JL, McEvoy JW. Delirium in the cardiac intensive care unit. Journal of the American Heart Association. 2018;7:e008568.

Bienvenu OJ, Aronson Friedman L, Colantuoni E, Dinglas VD, Sepulveda KA, Mendez-Tellez P, Shanholz C, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Psychiatric symptoms after acute respiratory distress syndrome: a 5-year longitudinal study. Intensive Care Med. 2018;44:38-47.

Hosey MM, Jaskulski JJ, Wegener ST, Chlan LL, Needham DM. Animal-assisted intervention in the ICU: a tool for humanization. Critical Care. 2018 22:22. Free Full Text Version

Schreiber MP, Colantuoni E, Neufeld KJ, Needham DM. Comparing analyses of corticosteroids and transition to delirium in critically ill patients. Intensive Care Med. 2017; 43:1933-1935.Free Full Text Version

Rose L, Agar M, Burry L, Campbell N, Clarke M, Lee J, Siddiqi N, Page V, The Del-COrS group.* Development of core outcome sets for effectiveness trials of interventions to prevent and/or treat delirium (Del-COrS): Study protocol. BMJ Open. 2017;7:e016371   *includes Dale Needham

Needham DM, Colantuoni E, Dinglas VD, Hough CL, Wozniak AW, Jackson JC, Morris PE, Mendez-Tellez PA, Ely EW, Hopkins RO. Rosuvastatin versus placebo for delirium in intensive care and subsequent cognitive impairment in patients with sepsis-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome: an ancillary study to a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine. 2016;4:203-212.

Chan KS, Friedman LA, Bienvenu OJ, Dinglas VD, Cuthbertson BH, Porter R, Jones C, Hopkins RO, Needham DM. Distribution-based estimates of minimal important difference for Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and Impact of Event Scale-Revised in survivors of acute respiratory failure. General Hospital Psychiatry. 2016;42:32-35.

Huang M, Parker AM, Bienvenu OJ, Dinglas VD, Colantuoni E, Hopkins RO, Needham DM, ARDSNet NIH/NHLBI. Psychiatric symptoms in acute respiratory distress syndrome survivors: a one-year national multi-center study. Critical Care Medicine, 2016; 44(5): 954-965

Pfoh E, Chan KS, Dinglas VD, Girard TD, Jackson JC, Morris PE, Hough CL, Mendez-Tellez PA, Ely EW, Huang M, Needham DM, Hopkins RO with the NIH NHLBI ARDS Network. Cognitive screening among acute respiratory failure survivors: A cross-sectional evaluation of the mini mental state examination. Critical Care. 2015, 19:220 (May 5, 2015) PMCID: PMC4480909

Bienvenu OJ, Colantuoni E, Mendez-Tellez PA, Shanholtz C, Dennison-Himmelfarb CR, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Co-occurrence of and remission from general anxiety, depression, and posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms. Critical Care Medicine. 2015;43:642-653.

Kamdar BB, Niessen T, Colantuoni E, King LM, Neufeld KJ, Bienvenu OJ, Rowden AM, Collop NA, Needham DM. Delirium transitions in the medical ICU: exploring the role of sleep quality and other factors. Critical Care Medicine. 2015;43:135-141. PMCID: PMC2469569

Schreiber MP, Colantuoni E, Bienvenu OJ, Neufeld KJ, Chen KF, Shanholtz C, Mendez-Tellez PA, Needham DM. Corticosteroids and transition to delirium in patients with acute lung injury. Crit Care Med. 2014;42:1480-1486. PMCID: PMC4028387

Neufeld KJ, Leoutsakos JS, Sieber FE, Joshi D, Wanamaker BL, Rios-Robles J, Needham DM. Evaluation of two delirium screening tools for detecting post-operative delirium in the elderly. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2013; 111:612-618. PMCID: PMC3770063

Stevenson JE, Colantuoni E, Bienvenu OJ, Sricharoenchai T, Wozniak A, Shanholtz C, Mendez-Tellez PA, Needham DM. General anxiety symptoms after acute lung injury: predictors and correlates. J Psychosom Res. 2013;287-293.

Rabiee A, Nikayin S, Hashem MD, Huang M, Dinglas VD, Bienvenu OJ, Turnbull AE, Needham DM. Depressive symptoms after critical illness: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Critical Care Medicine, 2016; 44:1744-1753.

Colantuoni E, Dinglas VD, Ely EW, Hopkins RO, Needham DM. Statistical methods for evaluating delirium in the ICU.The Lancet Respiratory Medicine.2016. 4:534-536.

Needham DM, Colantuoni E, Dinglas VD, Hough CL, Wozniak AW, Jackson JC, Morris PE, Mendez-Tellez PA, Ely EW, Hopkins RO. Rosuvastatin for delirium and cognitive impairment in sepsis-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome: an ancillary study to a randomized controlled trial. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine. 2016; 4(3):203-12. Abstract

Hager DN, Dinglas VD, Subhas S, Rowden AM, Neufeld KJ, Bienvenu OJ, Touradji P, Colantuoni E, Reddy DRS, Brower RG, Needham DM. Reducing deep sedation and delirium in acute lung injury patients: a quality improvement project.Critical Care Medicine. 2013; 41, 1435-1442.

Law TJ, Leistikow NA, Hoofring L, Krumm SK, Neufeld KJ, Needham DM. A survey of nurses’ perceptions of the Intensive Care Delirium Screening Checklist.Dyanmics. 2012;23:18–24.

Kamdar BB, King LM, Collop NA, Sakamuri S, Colantuoni E, Neufeld KJ, Bienvenu OJ, Rowden AM, Touradji P, Brower RG, Needham DM. The effect of a quality improvement intervention on perceived sleep quality and cognition in a medical ICU.Critical Care Medicine. 2013; 41:800-809

Bienvenu OJ, Neufeld K, Needham DM. Treatment of four psychiatric emergencies Psychiatric Issues in Critical Care in the ICU.Critical Care Medicine.2012;40:2662-2670.

Neufeld K, Huberman A, Needham DM. Chapter 79 Delirium. In: McKean SC, Ross JJ, Dressler DD, Brotman D (Eds).Principles and Practice of Hospital Medicine. Burr Ridge, IL, McGraw-Hill. March 2012.

Hopkins RO, Suchyta MR, Farrer TJ, Needham DM. Improving post-ICU neuropsychiatric outcomes: understanding cognitive effects of physical activity. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2012 186:12, 1220-1228

Bienvenu OJ, Colantuoni E, Mendez-Tellez PA, Dinglas VD, Shanholz C, Husain N, Dennison CR, Herridge MS, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Depressive symptoms and impaired physical function after acute lung injury: a 2-year longitudinal study.American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2012;185:517-524.

Desai SV, Law TJ, Bienvenu OJ, Needham DM. Psychiatric long-term complications of intensive care unit survivors.Critical Care Medicine2011;39:2790.

Neufeld KJ, Bienvenu OJ, Rosenberg PB, Mears SC, Lee HB, Kamdar BB, Sieber FE, Krumm SK, Walston JD, Hager DN, Touradji P, Needham DM. Johns Hopkins Delirium Consortium: One model for collaborating across disciplines and departments for delirium prevention and treatment. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2011;59:S244-S248.

Dowdy DW, Bienvenu OJ, Dinglas V, Mendez-Tellez PA, Sevransky J, Shanholtz C, Needham DM. Are intensive care factors associated with depressive symptoms six months after acute lung injury? Critical Care Medicine. 2009;37:1702-1707.

Davydow DS, Gifford JM, Desai SV, Bienvenu OJ, Needham DM. Depression in general intensive care unit survivors: a systematic review. Intensive Care Medicine. 2009; 35:796-809.

Davydow DS, Desai SV, Needham DM, Bienvenu OJ. Psychiatric morbidity in survivors of the acute respiratory distress syndrome: a systematic review. Psychosomatic Medicine. 2008;70:512-519.

Dowdy DW, Dinglas V, Mendez-Tellez PA, Bienvenu OJ, Sevransky J, Dennison CR, Shanholtz C, Needham DM. Intensive care unit hypoglycemia predicts depression during early recovery from acute lung injury. Critical Care Medicine. 2008;36:2726-2733.

Davydow DS, Gifford JM, Desai SV, Needham DM, Bienvenu OJ. Post traumatic stress disorder in general intensive care unit survivors: a systematic review. General Hospital Psychiatry. 2008;30:421-434.

Physical Function and Rehabilitation in the ICU

Parker AM, Akhlaghi N, Malik A, Friedman LA, Mantheiy E, Kelsey A, Glover M,          Dong S, Lavezza A, Seltzer J, Needham, DM. Perceived barriers to early goal-directed mobility in the intensive care unit: Results of a quality improvement evaluation Australian Critical Care. 2021. Link to Pubmed

Goodson CM, Friedman LA, Mantheiy E, Heckle K, Lavezza A, Toonstra A, Parker AM, Seltzer J, Velaetis M, Glover M, Outten C, Schwartz K, Jones A, Coggins S, Hoyer EH, Chan KS, Needham DM. Perceived Barriers to Mobility in a Medical ICU: The Patient Mobilization Attitudes & Beliefs Survey for the ICU. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine. 2020; 35(10) 1026-1031. Free Full Text Version

Kudchadkar SR. PICU Up! A multicomponent early mobility intervention for critically ill children. ICU Management & Practice. 2019;19 (2). Free Full Text Version

Young DL, Seltzer J, Glover M, Outten C, Lavezza A, Mantheiy E, Parker AM, Needham DM. identifying Barriers to Nurse-facilitated Patient Mobility in the Intensive Care Unit. American Journal of Critical Care. 2018;27(3):186–193.

Parry SM, Nydahl P, Needham DM. Implementing early physical rehabilitation and mobilisation in the ICU: Institutional, clinician, and patient considerations. Intensive Care Medicine. 2018;44:470-473.

Goddard SL, Hopkins RO, Lorencatto F, Hough CL, Koo E, Jackson JC, Rose L, Fan E, Ely EW, Kho ME, Needham DM, Rubenfeld GD, Francis JJ, Cuthbertson BH. Barriers and facilitators to early rehabilitation in mechanically ventilated patients—a theory-driven interview study. Journal of Intensive Care. 2018; 6:4  Free Full Text Version

Hosey MM, Jaskulski JJ, Mantheiy EC, Kudchadkar SR, Wegener S, Needham DM. Animal-assisted activity in the intensive care unit. ICU Management & Practice. 2017;17(3):193-5. Free Full Text Version

Goodson CM, Tipping C, Mantheiy EC, Nikayin S, Seltzer J, Outten C, Kamdar BB, Needham DM. Physical rehabilitation in the ICU: understanding the evidence. ICU Management & Practice. 2017;17(3):152-4 Free Full Text Version

Parry SM, Huang M, Needham DM. Evaluating physical functioning in critical care: considerations for clinical practice and research Critical Care. 2017 21:249

Da Silva VZM, Araujo Neto JA, Cipriano Jr G, Pinedo M, Needham DM, Zanni JM, Guimaraes FS. Brazilian version of Functional Status Score for the Intensive Care Unit (FSS-ICU): translation and cross-cultural adaptation. Brazilian Journal of Intensive Care. 2017;29:34-38.

Kimawi I, Lamberjack B, Nelliot A, Toonstra AL, Zanni J, Huang M, Mantheiy E, Kho ME, Needham DM. Safety and Feasibility of a Protocolized Approach to In-Bed Cycling Exercise in the Intensive Care Unit: Quality Improvement Project Physical Therapy. 2017. 97: 593-602. Article

Ma AJ, Rawat N, Reiter A, Shrock C, Zhan A, Stone A, Rabiee A, Griffin S, Needham DM, Saria S. Measuring patient mobility in the ICU using a novel non-invasive sensor. Critical Care Medicine. 2017;45:630-636.

Truong AD, Kho ME, Brower RG, Feldman DR, Colantuoni E, Needham DM. Effects of neuromuscular electrical stimulation on cytokines in peripheral blood for healthy participants: a prospective, single-blinded study. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 2017; 37:255-262.

Major ME, Kwakman R, Kho ME, Connolly B, McWilliams D, Denehy L, Hanekom S, Patman S, Gosselink R, Jones C, Nollet F, Needham DM, Engelbert RHH, Van der Schaaf M. (2016) Surviving critical illness, what is next? An expert consensus statement on physical rehabilitation after hospital discharge. Critical Care. 2016;20:354.

Kamdar BB, Combs MP, Colantuoni E, King LM, Niessen T, Neufeld KJ, Collop NA, Needham DM. The association of sleep quality, delirium, and sedation with participation in physical therapy in the ICU. Critical Care. 2016; 20:261.

Hashem MD, Parker AM, Needham DM. Early mobilization and rehabilitation of the critically ill patient. Chest, 2016; 150:722-731.

Tipping CJ, Bailey MJ, Bellomo R, Berney S, Buhr H, Denehy L, Harrold M, Holland A, Higgins AM, Iwashyna TJ, Needham D, Presneill J, Saxena M, Skinner EH, Webb S, Young P, Zanni J, Hodgson CL. The ICU mobility scale has construct and predictive validity and is responsive; a multi-centre observational study. Annals of American Thoracic Society, 2016; 13:887-897-893.

Toonstra AL, Zanni JM, Sperati CJ, Nelliot A, Mantheiy E, Skinner EH, Needham DM. Feasibility and Safety of physical therapy during continuous renal replacement therapy in the intensive care unit. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2016; 13:699-704.

Wahab R, Yip NH, Chandra S, Nguyen M, Pavlovich KH, Benson T, Vilotijevic D, Rodier DM, Patel KR, Rychcik P, Perez-Mir E, Boyle SM, Berlin D, Needham DM*, Brodie D*. The implementation of an early rehabilitation program is associated with reduced length of stay: a multi-ICU study. Journal of the Intensive Care Society. 2016;1:2-11. * co-senior authors

Kho ME, Martin RA, Toonstra AL, Zanni JM, Mantheiy EC, Nelliot A, Needham, DM. Feasibility and safety of in-bed cycling for physical rehabilitation in the intensive care unit (ICU). Journal of Critical Care. 2015. 30; 1419.e1-1419.e5.

Chan, K, Pfoh E, Denehy L, Elliot D, Holland A, Dinglas V, Needham DM. Construct validity and minimal important difference of 6-minute walk distance in survivors of acute respiratory failure. CHEST. 2015; 147:1316-1326. PMCID: PMC4420183

Hoyer EH, Brotman DJ, Chan KS, Needham DM. Barriers to early mobility of hospitalized general medicine patients: Survey development and results. American Journal of PM&R. 2015;94:304-312.

Brodsky MB, Gellar JE, Dinglas VD, Colantuoni E, Mendez-Tellez P, Shanholtz C, Palmer JB, Needham DM. Duration of oral endotracheal intubation is associated with dysphagia symptoms in acute lung injury patients. J Crit Care 2014;29:574-579.

Sricharoenchai T, AM, Zanni JM, Nelliot A, Dinglas VD, Needham DM. Safety of physical therapy interventions in critically ill patients: A single center prospective evaluation of 1,110 ICU admissions. J Crit Care 2014;29:395-400.

Nydahl P, Ruhl AP, Bartoszek G, Dubb R, Filipovic S, Flohr HJ, Kaltwasser A, Mende H, Rothaug O, Schuchhardt D, Schwabbauer N, Needham DM. Early mobilization of mechanically ventilated patients: a one-day point prevalence study in Germany. Crit Care Med 2014;42:1178-1186

Hoyer EH, Needham DM, Miller J, Deutschendorf A., Friedman M,Brotman DJ. Functional status impairment is associated with unplanned readmissions. Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2013;94:1951-1958.

Turnbull AE, Ruhl AP, Lau BM, Mendez-Tellez PA, Shanholtz CB, Needham DM. Timing of limitations in life support in acute lung injury patients: a multi-site study. Crit. Care Med. 2014; 42:296-302. PMCID: PMC3947055

Damluji A, Zanni JM, Mantheiy E, Colantuoni E, Kho ME, Needham DM. Safety and feasibility of femoral catheters during physical rehabilitation in the ICU. J Crit Care. 2013; 25:e9-e15.

Mendez-Tellez PA, Dinglas VD, Colantuoni E, Ciesla N, Sevransky JE, Shanholtz C, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Factors associated with timing of initiation of physical therapy in acute lung injury patients. J Crit Care 2013;28:980-984. PMCID: PMC3830674

Hodgson CL, Stiller K, Needham DM,Tipping CJ, Harrold M, Baldwin CE, Bradley S, Berney S, Caruana LR, Elliott D,Green M, Haines K ,Higgins AM, Kaukonen K, Leditschke IA, Nickels MR, Paratz J, Patman S, Skinner EH, Young PJ, Zanni JM, Denehy L, Webb SA. Expert consensus and recommendations on safety criteria for active mobilization of mechanically ventilated critically ill adults.Critical Care.2014;18:658.

  • This article is a multidisciplinary expert consensus regarding safety parameters for initiating mobilization and rehabilitation in adult, mechanically ventilated, ICU patients. Free Full Text Version

Shumock KM, Appel J, Toonstra A. Axillary Intra-aortic Balloon Pump Placement as a Means for Safe Mobility in a Patient Awaiting Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation: A Case Report. Cardiopulmonary Physical Therapy Journal. Sept. 2015 Vol. 26 – Issue 3: p 53–57 Free Full Text Version

Regensburg AM. Use of iPads by occupational therapists in a medical intensive care unit. Physical Disabilities Special Interest Section Quarterly Section.2014; 37(3), 1–3.

Lord RK, Mayhew CR, Korupolu R, Mantheiy EC, Friedman MA, Palmer JB, Needham DM. ICU early physical rehabilitation programs: financial modeling of cost savings. Critical Care Medicine. 2013; 41:717-724

  • ICUs with early physical rehabilitation programs have demonstrated decreases in length of stay, but formal financial analyses are often needed to justify the financial investment in these programs. This article and the associated Excel model can assist in conducting such financial analyses customized to a hospital’s unique situation. Free Full Text Version

Dinglas VD, Colantuoni E, Ciesla N, Mendez-Tellez PA, Shanholtz C, Needham DM. Occupational therapy for acute lung injury patients: factors associated with time to first intervention in the intensive care unit.American Journal of Occupational Therapy.201367(3):355-362

Kamdar BB, Needham, DM, Collop NA. Sleep deprivation in critical illness: its role in physical and psychological recovery. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine; 2012; 27(2):97-111

Rahimi RA, Skrzat J, Reddy DRS, Zanni JM, Fan E, Stephens RS, Needham DM. Physical Rehabilitation of Intensive Care Patients Requiring Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: A Small Case Series. Physical Therapy 2012 Dec 20..

Needham DM, Kamdar KB, Stevenson JE. Rehabilitation of mind and body after ICU discharge: A step closer to recovery.Critical Care Medicine. 2012. 40:1340-1341.

Needham DM, Wunsch H, Harvey MA. Post-intensive care syndrome (PICS): a new and evolving definition that calls for continued global collaboration.Critical Care Medicine.2012;40:2743.

Hopkins RO, Suchyta MR, Farrer TJ, Needham DM. Improving post-ICU neuropsychiatric outcomes: understanding cognitive effects of physical activity. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2012 186:12, 1220-1228

Gosselink R, Needham D, Hermans G. ICU-based rehabilitation and its appropriate metrics.Current Opinion in Critical Care. 2012;18:533-539.

Mendez-Tellez PA, Needham DM. Early physical rehabilitation in the ICU and ventilator liberation. Respiratory Care. 2012;571663-1669.

Kho ME, Truong AD, Brower RG, Palmer JB, Fan E, Zanni JM, Ciesla ND, Feldman DR, Korupolu R, Needham DM. Neuromuscular electrical stimulation for ICU-acquired weakness: Protocol and methodological implications for a randomized, sham-controlled phase II trial.Physical Therapy Journal. 2012 92(12):1564-1579

Mendez-Tellez PA, Nusr R, Feldman D, Needham DM. Early physical rehabilitation in the ICU: a review for the neurointensivist. Neurohospitalist. 2: 96-105 (2012).

Kho ME, Damluji A, Zanni JM, Needham DM. Feasibility and observed safety of interactive videogames for physical rehabilitation in the intensive care unit: a case series.Journal of Critical Care. 2012;27:291.e1-219.e6.

Fan E, Gifford JM, Chandolu S, Colantuoni E, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. The functional comorbidity index had high inter-rater reliability in patients with acute lung injury.BMC Anesthesiology. 2012; 12(1):21.

Manual Muscle Testing

Ciesla, N., Dinglas, V., Fan, E., Kho, M., Kuramoto, J., Needham, D., Manual Muscle Testing: A Method of Measuring Extremity Muscle Strength Applied to Critically Ill Patients. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 2011; 50. doi: 10.3791/2632. FREE Access - PMC3169254

Korupolu R, Gifford JM, Zanni JM, Truong A, Vajrala G, Lepre S, Needham DM. Early mobilization in the intensive care unit: safety, feasibility and benefits. In Esquinas AM (Ed).Applied Technologies in Pulmonary Medicine. Basel, Karger. 2011.

Needham DM, Feldman DR, Kho ME. The functional costs of ICU survivorship: collaborating to improve post-ICU disability.American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine. 2011;183:962-964.

Dinglas VD, Gellar J, Colantuoni E, Stan VA, Mendez-Tellez PA, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Does ICU severity of illness influence recall of baseline physical function? Journal of Critical Care.2011; 26: 634.e1-634.e7.

Needham DM, Feldman DR, Kho ME. The functional costs of ICU survivorship: collaborating to improve post-ICU disability. American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine. 2011;183:962-964

Zanni JM, Korupolu R, Fan E, Pradhan P, Janjua K, Palmer JB, Brower RG, Needham DM. Rehabilitation therapy and outcomes in acute respiratory failure: an observational pilot project. Journal of Critical Care. 2010;25:254-262.

Needham DM, Korupolu R, Zanni JM, Pradhan P, Conlantuoni E, Palmer JB, Brower RG, Fan E. Early physical medicine and rehabilitation for patients with acute respiratory failure: a quality improvement project. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2010;91:536-542.

Korupolu R, Zanni J, Fan E, Butler, M, Needham DM. Early mobilization of intensive care unit patient: the challenges of morbid obesity and multi-organ failure.BMJ Case Reports 2010; doi:10.1136/bcr.09.2009.2257.

Fan E, Ciesla ND, Truong AD, Bhoopathi V, Zeger SL, Needham DM Inter-rater reliability of manual muscle strength testing in ICU survivors and simulated patients. Intensive Care Medicine. 2010,36:1038-1043. PMCID: PMC2891143

Kho ME, Korupolu R, Needham DM. Early mobilization of critically ill patients: required resources. ICU Management. 2010;10(1)36-37.

Zanni, JM, Needham, DM. Promoting early mobility and rehabilitation in the intensive care unit. PT in Motion. 2010:May:32-38.

Needham DM, Korupolu R. Rehabilitation quality improvement in an intensive care unit setting: implementation of a quality improvement model. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation; 2010;17:271-281.

Needham DM, Truong AD, Fan E. Technology to enhance physical rehabilitation of critically ill patient. Critical Care Medicine. 2009;37(Suppl):S436-S441

Stevens RD, Marshall SA, Cornblath DR, Hoke A, Needham DM, de Jonghe B, Ali NA, Sharshar T. A framework for diagnosing and classifying intensive care unit-acquired weakness. Critical Care Medicine. 2009; 37(Suppl):S299-S308.

Fan E, Zanni JM, Dennison CR, Lepre SJ, Needham DM. Critical illness neuromyopathy and muscle weakness in the intensive care unit. AACN Advanced Critical Care. 2009;20:243-253.

Kho ME, Korupolu R, Needham DM. Early mobilization of critically ill patients: feasibility and benefits. ICU Management. 2009;9(4)4:31-32.

Korupolu R, Chandolu S, Needham DM. Early mobilization of critically ill patients: screening and safety issues. ICU Management. 2009;9:27-30.

Korupolu R, Gifford JM, Needham DM. Early mobilization of critically ill patients: reducing neuromuscular complications after intensive care. Contemporary Critical Care. 2009;6:1-12.

Primus R, Korupolu R, Needham DM. Early mobilization of critically ill obese patients. ICU Management. 2009;9(4):19.

Truong AD, Fan E, Brower RG, Needham DM. Mobilizing patients in the intensive care unit: from pathophysiology to clinical trials. Critical Care. 2009;13:216

Needham DM, Chandolu S, Zanni J. Interruption of sedation for early rehabilitation improves outcomes in ventilated, critically ill adults. Australian Journal of Physiotherapy. 2009;55:210.

Needham DM. Mobilizing patients in the intensive care unit: back to the future. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). 2008; 300:1685-1690.

Fan E, Needham DM. Mechanical ventilation and disuse atrophy of the diaphragm. New England Journal of Medicine. 2008; 359:90-91.

Quality Improvement

Parker AM, Akhlaghi N, Malik A, Friedman LA, Mantheiy E, Kelsey A, Glover M,          Dong S, Lavezza A, Seltzer J, Needham, DM. Perceived barriers to early goal-directed mobility in the intensive care unit: Results of a quality improvement evaluation Australian Critical Care. 2021. Link to Pubmed 

Hager DN, Chandrashekar P, Bradsher 3rd RW, Abdel-Halim AM, Chatterjee S, Sawyer M, Brower RG, Needham DM. Intermediate Care to Intensive Care Triage: A Quality Improvement Project to Reduce Mortality.  J Crit Care. 2017;42:282-288.

Kimawi I, Lamberjack B, Nelliot A, Toonstra A, Zanni J, Huang M, Mantheiy E, Kho M, Needham D. Safety & feasibility of a protocolized approach to in-bed cycling exercise in a medical ICU: A quality improvement project. Physical Therapy. 2017;97:593-602.

Hoyer EH, Friedman M, Lavezza A, Wagner-Kosmakos K, Lewis-Cherry R, Skolnik JL, Byers SP, Atanelov, L, Colantuoni E, Brotman DJ, Needham DM. Promoting mobility and reducing length of stay in hospitalized general medicine patients: A quality improvement project.Journal of Hospital Medicine. 2016May;11(5):341-7. doi: 10.1002/jhm.2546. Epub 2016 Feb 5.

Murphy DJ, Pronovost PJ, Lehmann CU, Gurses AP, Whitman GJR, Needham DM, Berenholtz SM. RBC transfusion practices in two ICUs: a mixed methods assessment of barriers to evidence-based practice. Transfusion 2014;54:2658-2667.

Dinglas VD, Parker AM, Reddy DR, Colantuoni E, Zanni JM, Turnbull AE, Nelliott A, Ciesla N, Needham DM. A quality improvement project sustainably decreased time to onset of active physical therapy intervention in acute lung injury patients. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2014; 11:1230-1238.

Kamdar BB, Yang J, King LM, Neufeld KJ, Bienvenu OJ, Rowden AM, Brower RG, Collop NA, Needham DM. Developing, implementing, and evaluating a multi-faceted quality improvement intervention to promote sleep in an ICU. American Journal of Medical Quality. 2014; 29:546-554. PMCID: PMC4141028

Murphy DJ, Needham DM, Netzer G, Zeger SL, Colantuoni E, Ness P, Pronovost PJ, Berenholtz SM. Red blood cell transfusion practices among critically ill patients: Has evidence changed practice? Critical Care Medicine. 2013; 41:2344-2353.

Hager DN, Dinglas VD, Subhas S, Rowden AM, Neufeld KJ, Bienvenu OJ, Touradji P, Colantuoni E, Reddy DRS, Brower RG, Needham DM. Reducing deep sedation and delirium in acute lung injury patients: a quality improvement project. Critical Care Medicine. 2013; 41:1435–1442.

Kamdar BB, King LM, Collop NA, Sakamuri S, Colantuoni E, Neufeld KJ, Bienvenu OJ, Rowden AM, Touradji P, Brower RG, Needham DM. The effect of a quality improvement intervention on perceived sleep quality and cognition in a medical ICU. Critical Care Medicine. 2013; 41:800-809. Full Free Article

Kamdar BB, Shah PA, King LM, Kho ME, Zhou X, Colantuoni E, Collop NA, Needham DM. Patient-Nurse interrater reliability and agreement of the Richards-Campbell Sleep Questionnaire in a Medical Intensive Care Unit. American Journal of Critical Care. 2012; 24:261-269

Berenholtz SM, Needham DM, Lubomski LH, Goeschel CA, Pronovost PJ. Improving the quality of quality improvement studies. Joint Commission Journal onQualityand Patient Safety. 2010; 36:468-473.

Lipitz-Snyderman A. Needham DM, Colantuoni E, Goeschel CA, Marsteller JA, Thompson DA Berenholtz SM, Lubomski LH, Watson S, Pronovost PJ. How long can intensive care units maintain zero central line-associated bloodstream infections? Archives of Internal Medicine. 2011;171:856-858.

Lipitz-Snyderman A, Steinwachs D, Needham DM, Colantuoni E, Morlock LL, Pronovost, PJ. Impact of a statewide intensive care unit quality improvement initiative on hospital mortality and length of stay: retrospective comparative analysis. British Medical Journal. 2011;342:d219.

Berenholtz SM, Pham JC, Thompson DA, Needham D, Lubomski L, Hyzy R, Welsh R, Cosgrove SE, Sexton B, Colantuoni E, Watson SR, Goeschel CA, Pronovost PJ. An Intervention to reduce ventilator-associated pneumonia in the ICU.Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology. 2011;32:305-3142011.

Waters HR, Korn R, Colantuoni E, Berenholtz SM, Goeschel CA, Needham D, Pham JC, Lipitz A, Watson SR, Posa P, Pronovost PJ. The Business Case for Quality: Economic Analysis of the Michigan Keystone Patient Safety Program in ICUsAmerican Journal of Medical Quality. 2011;26:333-339.

Needham DM. Patient safety, quality of care and knowledge translation in the ICU.Respiratory Care; 2010;55:922-928.

Pronovost PJ, Murphy D, Needham DM. The science of translating research into practice in intensive care.American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2010;182:1463-1464.

Needham DM, Sinopoli DJ, Dinglas VD, Berenholtz SM, Korupolu R, Watson SR, Lumbomski L, Goeschel C, Pronovost PJ. Improving data quality control in quality improvement projects. International Journal for Quality in Health Care. 2009; 21:145-150.

Pronovost PJ, Berenholtz SM, Needham DM. Translating evidence into practice: a model for large-scale knowledge translation. BMJ. 2008;337:a1714.

Fan E, Needham DM. The science of quality improvement. JAMA. 2008; 300:390-1.

Pronovost PJ, Needham DM, Berenholtz S, et al. Reducing catheter-related blood stream infections in Michigan intensive care units. New England Journal of Medicine. 2006;355:2725-2732

Pronovost PJ, Berenholz S, Goeschel CA, Needham DM, Sexton BJ, Thompson DA, Lubomski LH, Marsteller J, Makary M, Hunt E. Creating high reliability in healthcare organizations. Health Services Research. 2006;41:1599-1617.

Long-Term ICU Outcomes Studies

Heins SE, Wozniak AW, Colantuoni E, Sepulveda KA, Mendez-Tellez PA, Dennison-Himmelfarb C, Needham DM, Dinglas VD. Factors associated with missed assessments in a 2-year longitudinal study of acute respiratory distress syndrome survivors. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2018. In Press.

Chan KS, Mourtzakis M, Friedman LA, Dinglas VD, Hough CL, Ely EW, Morris PE, Hopkins RO, Needham DM. Evaluating muscle mass in survivors of ARDS: a 1-year multi-center longitudinal study. Critical Care Medicine. 2018. In press

Chan KS, Mourtzakis M, Friedman LA, Dinglas VD, Hough CL, Ely EW, Morris PE, Hopkins RO, Needham DM with the National Institutes of Health NHLBI ARDS Network. Upper arm anthropometrics versus DXA scan in survivors of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2018;72:613-617.

Wozniak A* Pfoh ER* Dinglas V, Pronovost P, Needham D, Colantuoni E.  Hospital Re-admission and Subsequent Decline Among Long-Term ARDS Survivors.  American Journal of Critical Care. In press. *Contributed equally as co-first authors.

Kamdar BB, Sepulveda KA, Chong A, Lord RK, Dinglas VD, Mendez-Tellez PA, Shanholz C, Colantuoni E, von Wachter TM, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Return to Work and Lost Earnings after Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A 5-Year Prospective, Longitudinal Study of Long-Term Survivors. Thorax.2018;73:125-133.

Needham DM, Sepulveda KA, Dinglas VD, Chessare CM, Friedman LA, Bingham III CO, Turnbull AE. Core outcome measures for clinical research in acute respiratory failure survivors: an international modified Delphi consensus study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2017;196:1122-1130..

Kamdar BB, Huang M, Dinglas VD, Colantuoni E,Von Watcher TM, Hopkins RO, Needham DM and the NIH NHLBI ARDS Network, Joblessness and Lost Earnings After ARDS in a 1-Year National Multicenter Study.American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine.2017; In press. Free ATS JournalPodcast*Disclaimer: the audio quality of voices has some distortion due to recording problems.

Ruhl AP, Huang M, Colantuoni E, Lord RK, Dinglas VD, Chong A, Sepulveda KA, Mendez-Tellez PA, Shanholtz, CB, Steinwachs DM, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Health care resource use and costs in long-term survivors of ARDS: a 5-year longitudinal cohort study. Crit Care Med.2017;45 96–204.

Ruhl AP, Huang M, Colantuoni E, Karmarkar T, Dinglas VD, Hopkins RO, Needham DM. Healthcare Utilization and costs in ARDS survivors: a 1-year longitudinal national U.S. multicenter study. Intensive Care Med. 2017; 43:980-991.

Neufeld KJ, Leoutsakos JS, Oh E, Sieber FE, Chandra A, Ghosh A, Schretlen DJ, Needham, DM. Long-term outcomes of older adults with and without delirium immediately following recovery from general anesthesia for surgery. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2015;23:1067-1074.

Ruhl AP, Lord RK, Panek JA, Colantuoni E, Sepulveda KA, Chong A, Dinglas VD, Shanoltz CB, Pronovost PJ, Steinwachs DM, Needham DM. Healthcare resource utilization and costs of 2-year survivors of acute lung injury: an observational cohort study. Annals of the American Thoracic Society. 2015;12:392-401.

Fan E, Dowdy DW, Colantuoni E, Mendez-Tellez PA, Sevransky JE, Shanholtz C, Himmelfarb CRD, Desai SV, Ciesla N, Herridge MS, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Physical complications in acute lung injury survivors: a 2-year longitudinal prospective study. Crit Care Med 2014, 42:849-859. PMCID: PMC3959239\

Bienvenu OJ, Williams J, Yang A, Hopkins R, Needham DM. Posttraumatic stress disorder in acute lung injury survivors: evaluating the Impact of Event Scale-Revised. Chest. 2013; 144(1):24-31

Needham DM, Dinglas VD, Morris PE, Jackson JC, Hough CL, Mendez-Tellez PA, Wozniak A, Colantuoni E, Ely WE, Rice TW, Hopkins RO. Physical and cognitive performance of acute lung injury patients one year after initial trophic vs full enteral feeding: EDEN trial follow-Up. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2013; 188:567-576. PMCID: PMC3827703.

Bienvenu OJ, Gellar J, Althouse BM, Colantuoni E, Sricharoenchai T, Mendez-Tellez PA, Shanholtz C, Dennison CR, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms after acute lung injury: a 2-year prospective longitudinal study. Psychological Medicine. 2013;43:2657-2671

Needham DM, Dinglas VD, Bienvenu OJ, Colantuoni E, Wozniak AW, Rice TW, Hopkins RO. One year outcomes in patients with acute lung injury randomised to initial trophic or full enteral feeding: prospective follow-up of EDEN randomised trial.BMJ2013;346:f1532.

Bienvenu OJ, Colantuoni E, Mendez-Tellez PA, Dinglas VD, Shanholz C, Husain N, Dennison CR, Herridge MS, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Depressive symptoms and impaired physical function after acute lung injury: a 2-year longitudinal study.American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2012;185:517-524.

Needham DM, Davidson J, Cohen H, Hopkins RO, Weinert C, Wunsch H, Zawistowski C, Bemis-Dougherty A, Berney SC, Bienvenu OJ, Brady SL, Brodsky MB, Denehy L, Elliott D, Flatley C, Harabin AL, Jones C, Louis D, Meltzer W, Muldoon SR, Palmer JB, Perme C, Robinson M, Schmidt DM, Scruth E, Spill GR, Storey P, Render M, Votto J, Harvey MA. Improving long-term outcomes after discharge from ICU: report from a stakeholders’ conference.Critical Care Medicine. 2012; 40:502-509

Desai SV, Law TJ, Bienvenu OJ, Needham DM. Psychiatric long-term complications of intensive care unit survivors.Critical Care Medicine.2011;39:2790.

Desai SD, Law TJ, Needham DM. Long-term complications of critical care. Critical Care Medicine. 2011;39:371-379.

Al Damluji A, Sepulveda KA, Needham DM. Understanding and improving long-term sequelae of ARDS. The Journal of Respiratory Diseases. 2008;29:198-199.

Damluji A, Siddiqi F, Dinglas VD, Needham DM. Long-term outcomes after acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome. US Respiratory Disease. 2008;4:89-92.

Needham DM, Wang W, Desai SV, Mendez-Tellez PA, Dennison CR, Sevransky J, Shanholtz C, Ciesla N, Spillman K, Pronovost PJ. ICU exposures for long-term outcomes research: development and description of exposures for 150 ALI patients. Journal of Critical Care. 2007; 22:275-284.

Needham DM, Dennison CR, Dowdy DW, Mendez-Tellez PA, Ciesla N, Desai SV, Sevransky J, Shanholtz C, Scharfstein D, Herridge MS, Pronovost PJ. The Improving Care of Acute Lung Injury Patients (ICAP) study: study design and methods. Critical Care. 2006;10:R9.

Desai SV, Boucher K, Fan E, Needham DM. Long-term outcomes after acute lung injury. Contemporary Critical Care. 2006;4:1-10.

Dowdy DW, Eid MP, Mendez-Tellez PA, Dennison CR, Herridge MS, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Meta-analysis: quality of life in adult survivors of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Intensive Care Medicine. 2006;32:1115-1124.

Dowdy DW, Needham DM, Mendez-Tellez P, Herridge MS, Pronovost PJ. Studying outcomes of intensive care unit survivors: the role of the cohort study. Intensive Care Medicine. 2005;31:914-921.

Needham DM, Dowdy DW, Mendez-Tellez P, Herridge MS, Pronovost PJ. Studying the outcomes of intensive care unit survivors: measuring exposures and outcomes.Intensive Care Medicine. 2005;31:1153-1160.

Research Screening, Patient Retention and Contact

Dinglas VD, Chessare CM, Davis WE, Parker A, Friedman LA, Colantuoni E, Bingham CO, Turnbull AE, Needham DM. Perspectives of survivors, families, and researchers on key outcomes for research in acute respiratory failure. Thorax. 2018;73:7–12.

Turnbull AE, Hashem MD, Rabiee A, To A, Chessare CM, Needham DM. Evaluation of a strategy for enrolling the families of critically ill patients in research using limited human resources. PLOS ONE. 2017;12(5):e0177741.

Abshire M, Dinglas VD, Cajita MIA, Eakin MN, Needham DM, Dennison Himmelfarb C. Participant retention practices in longitudinal clinical research studies with high retention rates. BMC Medical Research Methodology. 2017;17:30.  DOI 10.1186/s12874-017-0310-z  PMCID: PMC5319074

Hodgson CL, Turnbull AE, Iwashyna TJ, Parker Ann, Davis W, Bingham CO, Watts N, Finfer S, Needham DM. Clinician and researcher perspectives on core domains in evaluating post-discharge patient outcomes after acute respiratory failure. Physical Therapy Journal. 2017;97:168-174.

Turnbull, A.E., O’Connor, C.L., Lau, B., Halpern, S.D., Needham, D.M. Allowing physicians to choose the value of compensation for participation in a web-based survey: randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research. 2015; 17(7):e189.

Robinson KA, Dinglas VD, Sukrithan V, Yalamanchili R, Mendez-Tellez PA, Dennison-Himmelfarb C, Needham DM. Updated systematic review identifies substantial number of retention strategies: Using more strategies retains more study participants. J Clin Epidemiol. 2015, 68:1481-7. PMC4658250

Dinglas VD, Huang M, Sepulveda KA, Pinedo M, Hopkins RO, Colantuoni E, Needham DM. Personalized contact strategies and predictors of time to survey completion: analysis of two sequential randomized trials. BMC Med Res Methodol 2015; 15:5

Smart A, Thompson BT, Needham DM, Hopkins RO, Williams A, Burnham EL, Moss M. Surrogate consent forgenetic testing, the reconsent process, and consent for long term outcomes in ARDS trials. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2013; 188:1370-1373.

Chen K, Colantuoni E, Siddiqi F, Dinglas VD, Sepulveda KA, Fan E, Pronovost P, Needham DM. Repeated attempts using different strategies are important for timely contact with study participants. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2011;64:1144-1151. PMCID: PMC3116960 NIHMS 236511 Article

Neufeld KJ, Hayat MJ, Coughlin JM, Huberman AL, Leistikow NA, Krumm SJ, Needham DM, Evaluation of two intensive care delirium screening tools for non-critically ill hospitalized oncology patients. Psychosomatics. 2011;52:133–140.

Fan E, Shahid S, Kondreddi VP, Bienvenu OJ, Mendez-Tellez PA, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Informed consent in the critically ill: a 2-step approach incorporating delirium screening. Critical Care Medicine. 2008;36:94-99.

Robinson KA, Dennison CR, Wayman DM, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Systematic review identifies number of strategies important for retaining study participants. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2007;60:757-765.

Tansey CM, Matte AL, Needham DM, Herridge MS. Review of participant retention strategies in longitudinal studies of intensive care survivors. Intensive Care Medicine. 2007;33:2051:2057.

Systematic Reviews/Meta-analyses

Oh ES, Needham DM, Nikooie R, Wilson LM, Zhang A, Robinson KA, et al. Antipsychotics for Preventing Delirium in Hospitalized Adults: A Systematic Review. Ann Intern Med. [Epub ahead of print 3 September 2019] doi: 10.7326/M19-1859. Free Article

Nikooie R, Neufeld KJ, Oh ES, Wilson LM, Zhang A, Robinson KA, et al. Antipsychotics for Treating Delirium in Hospitalized Adults: A Systematic Review. Ann Intern Med. [Epub ahead of print 3 September 2019] doi: 10.7326/M19-1860. Free Article

Kamdar BB, Suri R, Suchyta MR, Digrande K, Sherwood K, Colantuoni E, Dinglas VD, Needham DM, Hopkins RO. Return to Work After Critical Illness: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Thorax. 2019. In Press.

Ohtake PJ, Lee AC, Scott JC, Hinman RS, Ali NA, Hinkson CR, Needham DM, Shutter L, Smith-Gabai H, Spires MC, Thiele A, Wiencek C, Smith JM. Physical impairments associated with post-intensive care syndrome: systematic review based on the WHO ICF framework. Physical Therapy. 2018 ;1;98(8):631-64

Nydahl P, Sricharoenchai T, Chandra S, Sari Kundt F, Huang M, Fischill M, Needham DM. Safety of patient mobilization and rehabilitation in the ICU: systematic review with meta-analysis. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2017; 14:766-777.

Hashem MD, Nallagangula A, Nalamalapu S, Nunna K, Nausran U, Robinson KA, Dinglas VD, Needham DM, Eakin MN. Patient outcomes after critical illness: a systematic review of qualitative studies following hospital discharge. Critical Care. 2016;20:345. Free Full Text

Nikayin S, Rabiee A, Hashem MD, Huang M, Bienvenu OJ, Turnbull AE, Needham DM. Anxiety symptoms in survivors of critical illness: a systematic review and meta-analysis. General Hospital Psychiatry. 2016;43:23-29.

Robinson KA, Davis WE, Dinglas VD, Mendez-Tellez PA, Rabiee A, Sukrithan V, Yalamanchilli R, Turnbull AE, Needham DM. A systematic review finds limited data on measurement properties of instruments measuring outcomes in adult intensive care unit survivors. J Clin Epidemiol. 2016; 2017;82:37-46.

Rabiee A, Nikayin S, Hashem MD, Huang M, Dinglas VD, Bienvenu OJ, Turnbull AE, Needham DM. Depressive symptoms after critical illness: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Critical Care Medicine, 2016; 44:1744-1753.

Turnbull, A.E., Rabiee, A., Davis W.E., Nasser, M.F., Venna, V.R., Lolitha, R., Hopkins, R.O., Bienvenu, O.J., Robinson, K.A., Needham, D.M. Outcome Measurement in ICU survivorship research from 1970-2013: a scoping review of 425 publications. Critical Care Medicine. 2016; 44:1267-1277

Neufeld KJ, Yue J, Robinson TN, Inouye SK*, Needham DM*. Antipsychotics for prevention and treatment of delirium in hospitalized adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 2016; 64:705-716. * co-senior authors

Parker AM, Sricharoenchai T, Raparla S, Schneck KW, Bienvenu OJ, Needham DM.Posttraumatic stress disorder in critical illness survivors: a meta-analysis. Crit Care Med 2015;43(5):1121-1129

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Dasenbrook EC, Needham DM, Brower RG, Fan E. Higher positive end-expiratory pressure in patients with acute lung injury: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Respiratory Care. 2011;56:568-575.

Winters BD, Eberlein M, Leung J, Needham DM, Pronovost PJ, Sevransky JE. Long term mortality and quality of life in sepsis: a systematic review. Critical Care Medicine. 2010, 38:1276-1283.

Hogue CW, Stearns J, Colantuoni E, Robinson KA, Strierer T, Mitter N, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. The impact of obesity on outcomes: A meta-analysis. Intensive Care Medicine. 2009; 35:1152-1170.

Davydow DS, Gifford JM, Desai SV, Bienvenu OJ, Needham DM. Depression in general intensive care unit survivors: a systematic review. Intensive Care Medicine. 2009; 35:796-809.

Davydow DS, Desai SV, Needham DM, Bienvenu OJ. Psychiatric morbidity in survivors of the acute respiratory distress syndrome: a systematic review. Psychosomatic Medicine. 2008;70:512-519.

Davydow DS, Gifford JM, Desai SV, Needham DM, Bienvenu OJ. Posttraumatic stress disorder in general intensive care unit survivors: a systematic review. General Hospital Psychiatry. 2008;30:421-434

Robinson KA, Dennison CR, Wayman DM, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Systematic review identifies number of strategies important for retaining study participants. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology. 2007;60:757-765.

Sevransky J, Nour S, Needham DM, Hollenberg S, Pronovost P, Sulsa GM. Hemodynamic goals in randomized clinical trials in sepsis: A systematic review of the literature. Critical Care. 2007;11:R67.

Stevens RD, Dowdy DW, Michaels R, Mendez-Tellez PA, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Neuromuscular dysfunction acquired in critical illness: a systematic review. Intensive Care Medicine. 2007; 33:1876-1891.

Tansey CM, Matte AL, Needham DM, Herridge MS.Review of participant retention strategies in longitudinal studies of intensive care survivors.Intensive Care Medicine. 2007;33:2051-2057.

Needham DM, Desai SV, Robinson KA. Critically appraise before you believe: the quality of meta-analyses is critical care medicine. Critical Care Medicine. 2007;35:666-667.

Dowdy DW, Eid MP, Mendez-Tellez PA, Dennison CR, Herridge MS, Pronovost PJ, Needham DM. Meta-analysis: quality of life in adult survivors of acute respiratory distress syndrome.Intensive Care Medicine. 2006;32:1115-1124.

Dowdy DW, Needham DM, Mendez-Tellez P, Herridge MS, Pronovost PJ. Studying outcomes of intensive care unit survivors: the role of the cohort study. Intensive Care Medicine. 2005;31:914-921.

Dowdy DW, Eid MP, Sedrakyan A, Mendez-Tellez PA, Pronovost PJ, Herridge MS, Needham DM. Quality of life in adult survivors of critical illness: A systematic review of the literature. Intensive Care Medicine. 2005; 31:611-620.

Needham DM, Scales DC, Laupacis A, Pronovost PJ. A systematic review of the Charlson Comorbidity Index using Canadian administrative databases: a perspective on risk adjustment in critical care research. Journal of Critical Care. 2005;20:12-19.

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