Patient and Family Advisory Council at Johns Hopkins Care at Home
Your voice matters. If you are a current or former patient, family member or caregiver who is interested in helping to improve the delivery of safe and quality health care, consider joining our Patient and Family Advisory Council (PFAC). The PFAC collaborates with home care leadership and staff to enhance the patient and family experience.
How to Join
Volunteers on PFAC must be a current or former patient or caregiver, adult or pediatric, for home care.
The PFAC meets on the third Thursday of the month from 4 – 6 pm. Right now all meetings are via Zoom, due to COVID-19.
For more information on how to join, contact our patient experience team at [email protected].
Patient Advisor Role and Responsibilities
- Promote respectful, effective partnerships between patients, families, and clinicians.
- Increase understanding and cooperation between patients, families, and staff.
- Transform the culture towards patient- and family-centered care.
- Improve quality, patient safety, and patient health outcomes.
- Establish a link between the hospital and the community at large.
- Share healthcare experience with doctors, staff and other PFAC members.
- Participate in group discussions to talk about ideas for how our healthcare organizations can improve care, quality, safety, and services.
- Provide insight from the patient and family perspective about policies, care practices, and patient education materials.
- Identify patient and family needs and concerns.
- Serve on subcommittees and workgroups to help bring the patient and family perspective to these efforts.
- Encourage and support patient-centered care across the institution.
The philosophy of patient- and family-centered care focuses on:
- Respect for patients' values, preferences, and needs.
- Coordination of care for more efficiency.
- Comfort and emotional support for mental health.
- Information, communication, and education.
- Involvement of family and friends.