Johns Hopkins OnDemand Virtual Care

We Are Here When You Need Care

On the go. After hours.

Johns Hopkins OnDemand Virtual Care provides easy access to care — from the convenience of your mobile device or computer. You can talk to a health care provider who can diagnose and prescribe medications for minor care concerns such as colds, rashes and pinkeye.

Get Connected Today

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5 Reasons to Consider a Johns Hopkins OnDemand Virtual Care Visit

"The best part about Johns Hopkins OnDemand is that I can do it wherever I am when I’m not feeling well. I love that I don’t have to drive to the nearest urgent care center or wait for a long period of time to be seen." - EHP plan member and OnDemand Virtual Care user

What We Treat

Common conditions that our health care team can treat include, but are not limited to:
  • Allergies
  • Cold and flu symptoms
  • Bronchitis
  • Poison ivy
  • Pink eye
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Respiratory infection
  • Sinus problems
  • Ear infection

Do not use Johns Hopkins OnDemand Virtual Care for emergency medical matters. Call 911 if you are experiencing a medical emergency.

Get Started in Minutes

Step 1: Create an OnDemand Account

Visit, and click the blue “Create Your Account” button. On a mobile device, you will be prompted to first download the app.

Download step-by-step instructions | Watch instructional video

laptop with setting up an account information on the screen

Step 2: Request a Visit

After downloading the Johns Hopkins OnDemand app and creating an account, open the app and click "Request a Visit". Download the app through App store or Google Play.

Download step-by-step instructions | Watch instructional video

phone in hand with make an appointment screen

Benefits of OnDemand

Care When You Need It
Minimal Wait Times
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No Appointment Required
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Connect from Anywhere in the United States
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Frequently Asked Questions

Johns Hopkins OnDemand Visit Acknowledgements

All eligible plan members will be asked to acknowledge the following information prior to their Johns Hopkins OnDemand visit. I understand that:

  • The provider that I see for treatment may not be an employee or agent of Johns Hopkins nor be providing care on behalf of Johns Hopkins;
  • Despite the website logo, the provider I see for treatment may not have any affiliation whatsoever with Johns Hopkins;
  • For those non-Johns Hopkins providers, Johns Hopkins does not in any way train, manage or supervise the providers, nor does Johns Hopkins in any way oversee the medical care the non-Johns Hopkins providers render;
  • Johns Hopkins shall not be held liable for care provided by any non-Johns Hopkins providers;