
Let's Talk! Tune in as we answer your questions about evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and research - all in under 30 minutes! New episodes are released monthly. Subscribe and listen.

Episode 57: Repositories of Pre-Appraised Evidence (Part 3)

Episode 57 | 10 min.

In this episode, the third (and final) in their series on pre-appraised evidence, Nadine Rosenblum and Maddie Whalen discuss how and where to find evidence for your clinical questions. They cover repositories of pre-appraised evidence, focusing on TRIP and the ECRI Guidelines trust. Episode includes links for accessing websites.


Episode 56: Who Produces Sources of Pre-Appraised Evidence and how do we find them? (Part 2)

Episode 56 | 9 min.

In part two of their three-part series, Nadine Rosenblum and Maddie Whalen continue their conversation about pre-appraised evidence. This episode focuses on sources of evidence for your clinical question - Maddie shares information about two well-known sources, Cochrane and JBI.


Episode 55: Searching Pre-Appraised Evidence (Part 1)

Episode 55 | 12 min.

This month’s podcast begins the first of a three-part series on finding evidence for your clinical question. This episode focuses on the definition of pre-appraised, or “filtered” evidence and what types of evidence they are. Nadine Rosenblum, Nursing Inquiry Program Coordinator, and Maddie Whalen, Evidence-Based Program Coordinator, discuss the differences between clinical practice guidelines, systematic reviews, and evidence.


Episode 54: Inquiry for Home Care Nurses

Episode 54 | 15 min.

The Center for Nursing Inquiry's Nursing Inquiry Program Coordinator, Nadine Rosenblum, spoke with Dawn Hohl, Executive Director of Transitions and Relationship Management, about how inquiry impacts her work. Dawn, who is with Johns Hopkins Care at Home, faces unique challenges managing nurses who are working in the community as opposed to an inpatient or outpatient setting. Nadine and Dawn discuss several examples of collaborative inquiry projects - research, EBP, and quality improvement - that have improved patient care. Dawn also covers the unique challenges of integrating inquiry into home care nursing. She finishes by encouraging nurses in other areas to gain a better understanding of home care – a fast-growing type of nursing education.


Episode 53: Magnet Designation: How Nursing Professional Development Inspires the Inquiry Mindset

Episode 53 | 20 min.

In this month’s episode, Nadine Rosenblum, nursing inquiry coordinator for the Center for Nursing Inquiry speaks with Paula Murray, manager of nursing professional specialty programs at the Johns Hopkins Hospital and Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. Paula describes her role and discusses the ways she and her team contribute to Magnet designation by helping nurses develop an ‘inquiry mindset.’ Learn how Paula and her team help nurses stay curious throughout their careers! The process starts with nursing orientation and continues with professional development, mentoring and support for QI projects and other initiatives. Paula ends with some advice on getting involved with inquiry work and nursing education.


Episode 52: Set and Meet Your Writing Goals with WAGs – Writing Accountability Groups

Episode 52 | 13 min.

Publishing the results of your work is an important way to share what you’ve learned with other nurses and – bigger picture – advance the science of nursing. Finding time to actually write, however, can be challenging. This is where WAGs – writing accountability groups – come in. In this month’s podcast, the Center for Nursing Inquiry’s Nadine Rosenblum sits down with the Johns Hopkins Health System’s Nurse Scientist, Dr. Heather Watson, to discuss WAGs. Heather defines writing accountability groups and provides tips for finding and making the most of them. This episode will help you set – and meet - your writing goals!


Episode 51: From Inspiration to Abstract: Disseminating your Project

Episode 51 | 42 min.

In this month’s podcast, Nadine Rosenblum, Nursing Inquiry Coordinator, discusses taking a project from the idea stage to dissemination with Dr. Donna Berizzi, DNP, Associate Chief Nursing Officer for the Johns Hopkins Health System. Follow along as Donna discusses her current work, details a recent project (presented at several conferences), and provides tips for writing a successful abstract and producing an effective poster. They end with tips for new nurses, or nurses new to inquiry work – find out why ‘fresh eyes are so important’ to nursing and nursing inquiry.


Episode 50: Engaging Staff in Inquiry Work!

Episode 50 | 26 min.

In the third and final episode from the 2023 SHINE Conference, expert panelists Kristina Burger, DNP, RN, Suzanne Dutton, DNP, RN, GNP-BC, Lisa Klein, MSN, RN, AGCNS-BC, and Tania Randell, MS, RN, ACCNS-AG, join the Johns Hopkins Health System’s Nurse Scientist, Heather Watson, PhD, RN, to discuss engaging staff in inquiry work. There are a variety of reasons - from lack of confidence to lack of time – that nurses feel they can’t pursue inquiry questions that arise at the bedside. The panelists have experience addressing barriers to participation in inquiry work – listen in to learn more.


Episode 49: How QI can Improve you Scores—HCPAPs, CAUTI, CLABSI and More!

Episode 49 | 40 min.

In the second episode in our series of leadership panels from the 2023 SHINE Conference, inquiry experts Holley Farley, MSN, RN, Kim Kuperman, MSN, RN, Rossana Oakley, MSN, RN, Gosia Ryan, MSN, RN, and Amy Sawyerr, MPH, BSN, RN, RNC-LRN join moderator Heather Watson, PhD, RN the Nurse Scientist for the Johns Hopkins Health System, to discuss tips and tricks for using quality improvement to improve your scores.


Episode 48: Your Unit Presented at SHINE, Now What?

Episode 48 | 27 min.

In this episode, we’re beginning a special series, featuring our leadership panels from the 2023 SHINE Conference. Heather Watson, PhD, RN, Nurse Scientist for the Johns Hopkins Health System, discusses next steps after a project has been presented at a conference with Jade Flinn, M.S.N., R.N., unit director for the Johns Hopkins Biocontainment Unit, Lynn McDonald, D.N.P., R.N., Clinical Program Director, and Karin Nevius, M.S.N., R.N., Director of Professional Practice and Quality. Jade, Lynn, and Karin detail the different strategies they used to build on their momentum after presenting at the 2021 SHINE Conference.


EBP Tools: Appendix J

Episode 47 | 15 min.

This is it! Nadine Rosenblum, Nursing Inquiry Coordinator, and Maddie Whalen, Evidence-based Practice Coordinator, have been working through the Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice tools, and they’ve reached the final tool: the Publication Guide, Appendix J! Maddie notes that, unlike other types of inquiry work, EBP projects do not have recognized guidelines for disseminating work; Appendix J remedies that. It is an easy-to-follow checklist, that, as Nadine notes, ‘nearly writes (your project) for you.’ Their key message: publish your EBP project. Disseminating what you learned will have an impact far beyond your department or institution – you can impact nursing practice across the country and even the world.


EBP Tools: Appendix I

Episode 46 | 15 min.

In their series on the Johns Hopkins Evidence Based Practice Model tools, Nursing Inquiry Coordinator, Nadine Rosenblum, and Evidence-based Practice Coordinator, Maddie Whalen have reached the tool where ‘the rubber meets the road.’ Appendix I, the Translation and Planning Tool, helps EBP teams assess the strength of the evidence and potential risk of a change, and come to a decision about next steps. Nadine and Maddie cover each step of the tool in detail and describe how to choose which of several possible options, from initiating a research or QI project to taking a ‘wait and see’ approach, is most appropriate. Planning for next steps is also discussed.


EBP Tools: Appendix H

Episode 45 | 15 min.

Tune In! In this podcast, Nursing Inquiry Coordinator, Nadine Rosenblum, and Evidence-based Practice Coordinator, Maddie Whalen, discuss Appendix H, or the Synthesis and Recommendations Tool. Appendix H is the final step in the Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice Model’s evidence-gathering process, or, as Maddie notes, ‘the big reveal.’ She and Nadine discuss the process of distilling down the evidence collected in earlier steps, including tips for synthesizing (not summarizing) evidence and looking for consistencies, as well as inconsistencies. They end with some guidance for Appendix H: factor in time for reflection and discussion with your EBP team.


EBP Tools: Appendix G

Episode 44 | 22 min.

Tune In! Nadine Rosenblum, Nursing Inquiry Coordinator, and Maddie Whalen, Evidence-based Practice Coordinator, continue their series on the Johns Hopkins Evidence Based Tools. In this month's podcast, they cover Appendix G: the Individual Evidence Summary Tool in depth, providing expert advice and time-saving tips, including a reminder about the tool’s detailed instructions or ‘cheat sheet.’ They also describe how this tool integrates with the other tools; careful completion of earlier steps in the process will pay off when completing Appendix G. The end with a reminder: EBPs are a team effort, be a good team player!


EBP Tools: Appendix F

Episode 43 | 16 min.

Nadine Rosenblum, Nursing Inquiry Coordinator, and Maddie Whalen, Evidence-based Practice Coordinator, continue their discussion of the Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice tools with Appendix F, the Non-Research Evidence Appraisal Tool. They walk through the process of appraising non-research evidence, including a discussion of the difference between research and non-research evidence, descriptions of common types of non-research evidence, and good advice for filling out Appendix F. The Non-Research Evidence Appraisal Tool is comprehensive, but not everything needs to be filled out. Following the directions in this step will pay dividends down the road.


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All our podcast episodes are available on iTunes.