Abstract Submissions
We are thrilled to announce that next year’s retreat will occur in conjunction with the poster session. All trainees and faculty members are encouraged to submit an abstract for consideration for award and presentation opportunity at the retreat. Submit abstracts for both the Department of Medicine and the Whiting School of Engineering via the form linked below.
An abstract can be submitted for a $500 award (additional one-page summary required with submission) in the following categories:
- Postdoctoral Clinical Research Award
- Postdoctoral Basic Research Award
- Junior Faculty Clinical Research Award
- Junior Faculty Basic Research Award
All winners will be invited to give brief presentations of their research the day of the retreat. Winners will be notified approximately two weeks prior to the event to allow for presentation preparation.
- Primary appointment in Medicine (residents and postdocs are eligible)
- Submission of abstract submission form
- Submission of one-page summary (one inch margins, 12 point font, Times New Roman, single spaced) that clearly addresses the following areas (~200 words each):
- The broad significance of your research to medicine
- Your major research hypothesis or question and approach
- Your findings and how your research relates to your early career goals
An abstract may be submitted for an award (additional 1-page summary required with your submission) in the following categories:
- Whiting School of Engineering Trainee Award- $500 award
- Whiting School of Engineering Research Laboratory Excellence Award- $1000 award
All winners will be invited to give brief presentations of their research the day of the retreat. Winners will be notified approximately two weeks prior to the event to allow for presentation preparation.
- Graduate students and postdocs are eligible
- Submission of abstract submission form
- Submission of one-page summary (one inch margins, 12 point font, Times New Roman, single spaced) that clearly addresses the following areas (~200 words each):
- The broad significance of your research to engineering
- Your major research hypothesis or question and approach
- Your findings and how your research relates to your early career goals
This award is an opportunity to enhance visibility and showcase excellence in research from all departments within the Whiting School of Engineering to a large audience. The principle investigator of the lab will give a brief oral presentation of the lab’s research interests and ongoing projects.
- Principle investigator (PI) must have a primary faculty appointment in Whiting School of Engineering
- Submission of a minimum of two abstracts by two separate trainees (graduate student, post-doc) from the lab as an example of the depth of research in the laboratory
- Laboratory PI completes and submits the Abstract Submission Form in addition to a one-page summary (one-inch margins, 12-point font, Times New Roman, single spaced) that clearly addresses the following areas (~200 words each):
- The broad significance of your research to engineering
- Major ongoing research projects
- Relevance to Medicine, use ongoing collaborations with investigators in the DOM as an example
- CV of the laboratory PI
- List the names of the two trainees (graduate students, post-docs) from the lab who will be submitting abstracts demonstrating the depth of research in the lab (two trainee abstract minimum must be received in order for lab award submission to be complete)
Keynote Speaker

Donald E. Ingber, MD, PhD
Founding Director, Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering
Harvard University
Judah Folkman Professor of Vascular Biology
Harvard Medical School and Boston Children’s Hospital
Hansjörg Wyss Professor of Biologically Inspired Engineering
Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
View bio