About Us

Dr. Nadia Hansel

The Department of Medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine is committed to the progress of biomedical discovery, teaching the next generation of doctors and scientists and the improvement of health in our neighborhood and around the globe.

This is a complicated and challenging time for Baltimore and the world. As we emerge from the brink of a global pandemic, we must use what we have learned over the past few years and continue to prioritize addressing the inequities that exist in our healthcare system and the systemic racism that plagues our society as a backdrop for the work we do to move forward. I believe there are many potential ways we, Department of Medicine faculty and staff, can make a difference to our community, our patients, and to one another.

We are people serving people, to promote health and alleviate suffering locally and globally. This is our mission statement, born out of discussions that followed the 2015 protests in response to the death of Freddie Gray and explored how the issues of race and background inform our worldview, relationship to our colleagues, daily lives, and experience at work. We aim to improve our environment, build a stronger culture of respect, and become better change agents to improve our surrounding community. We do this through our Department of Medicine Diversity Council, the Task Force on Women's Academic Careers in Medicine and initiatives like Medicine for the Greater Good, which trains healthcare professionals how to mitigate health-related inequities through community engagement. We became leaders in the fight against COVID-19, improving outcomes for patients with scientific innovations, educational resources and world-class clinical care.

Our department is made up of an amazing group of people who together provide cutting-edge patient care, maintain some the country’s top internal medicine training programs and conduct more externally funded research than almost anywhere else. It is difficult to summarize all the important work of the department, but to start, the Department of Medicine:

  • Has more than 650 full-time faculty members across 18 academic divisions
  • Employs nearly 3,000 staff members
  • Provided care for over 350,000 clinic visits last year
  • Discharged more than 25,000 patients from The Johns Hopkins Hospital and Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center last year
  • Is primarily based at our two campuses in Baltimore
  • Has outlying clinical locations across the Baltimore-Washington metro area
  • Maintains an annual research portfolio of more than $175 million
  • Partners with the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, currently ranked No. 1 in internal medicine and No. 3 in research by U.S. News & World Report
  • Home to two outstanding residencies with distinct identities and hospital homes
  • Home to the Osler Medical Residency, consistently ranked the top internal medicine residency program by program directors

I am honored to serve as the director of this outstanding department. If you have questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


Nadia N. Hansel, M.D., M.P.H.
William Osler Professor of Medicine
Director, Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University
Physician-in-Chief, Johns Hopkins Hospital
Director of Medicine for Johns Hopkins Medicine

Contact Us

The Department of Medicine's administrative offices are on the 9th floor of the
1830 Building. 

Department of Medicine, Chairman's Office
1830 E. Monument Street, Suite 9026
Baltimore, MD 21287
Phone: 410-614-8510

Email Addresses


For information about our specialties, explore our Department of Medicine Divisions.

Contact Your Hospital

The Department of Medicine's divisions are located at two main locations:

Our Organization

The Department of Medicine is part of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. The Department and the School are part of Johns Hopkins Medicine, which is comprised of all parts and organizations of the Medical School and the Hospitals. They are all part of Johns Hopkins University.