The Life Clinic

For Long-Term Childhood Cancer Survivors

Childhood Leukemia is the most common type of childhood cancer. More than 80 percent of children diagnosed with cancer will have AML or Acute Myelogenous Leukemia. The good news is nearly all will survive their disease. For those who had childhood leukemia or other types of pediatric cancer, the Life Clinic at Johns Hopkins is a medical resource unlike any other.

Meet Our Experts

Our experts specialize in recognizing and responding to the unique health needs of childhood cancer survivors. We chart patients' new course to living healthy again by developing a long-term plan for a strong body and sound mind. The program's research initiatives aim to better understand the reasons certain patients are predisposed to the long-term effects of cancer therapy, as well as how adverse late effects impact the lives of survivors.

Kathy Ruble, CRNP

  • Director, Life Clinic and Leukemia Survivorship Program
  • Associate Professor of Oncology

Expertise: Pediatric Medical Oncology

Make an Appointment

Our program is open to all leukemia survivors as well as other childhood cancers— no matter when or where you were treated. Patients who were not treated at Johns Hopkins should provide as much information as possible from their medical records and past physicians about their past cancer treatment to the Life Clinic. Life Clinic appointments are scheduled for Tuesdays, between 9 a.m. and 4 p .m.

Surviving Childhood Cancer

Surviving childhood cancer is like completing an obstacle course with numerous hurdles along the way. There’s much to celebrate, but life doesn't always immediately return to normal. In fact,

  • Two-thirds of cancer patients who receive chemotherapy or radiation develop at least one "late effect": a physical, psychological, cognitive or social problem as a result of treatment
  • One-quarter of cancer survivors experience a late effect considered life-threatening, and that the risk of these late effects doesn't go away over time.

At Johns Hopkins, we’re committed to helping each and every cancer survivor thrive post treatment. So, whether you’ve just finished your last round of chemotherapy or you’ve been cancer-free for years, your long-term health care needs as a survivor are different from those of a “regular” patient. You may have had aggressive treatments to survive your disease—treatments that might cause health complications down the road. You may be looking for help in getting back to your school, your job, and your relationships as you move from cancer patient to cancer survivor. The Michael J. Garil Leukemia Survivors Program can help.