Health plans like no other For a you like no other

Imagine a health plan provider that shares the same goals as its members and the medical teams who care for them. Standing with them and for them. Going beyond just covering costs to provide access to the best in health care and ensure the best possible outcome. We are Johns Hopkins Health Plans.

We provide innovative managed care programs in Medicaid, Medicare, TRICARE Prime and employee group health plans, guided by the academic and clinical excellence of Johns Hopkins Medicine. We empower our members to live their best, healthiest life through collaboration and coordination.

Explore Our Health Plans

Johns Hopkins Health Plans offers four programs, including Priority Partners Managed Care Organization, Johns Hopkins Employer Health Programs (EHP), Johns Hopkins US Family Health Plan (USFHP) and Johns Hopkins Advantage MD.

New Name, New Look, New Possibilities

Johns Hopkins HealthCare is now Johns Hopkins Health Plans. Our new name more accurately reflects who we are and what we do: provide innovative managed care programs, services and solutions, backed by the academic and clinical excellence of Johns Hopkins Medicine. Learn more about this exciting change and the possibilities ahead.

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