Pulmonary Rehabilitation
Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center takes a comprehensive approach to meeting the special needs of people with chronic lung disease through an individualized regimen of exercise, education, breathing retraining and the development of coping and support skills. The Pulmonary Exercise Program lasts for ten to twelve weeks.
Pulmonary Rehabilitation helps participants to:

- Control and alleviate symptoms and complications of pulmonary disease
- Achieve an optimal level of independence and self-reliance
- Reduce infections and hospitalizations
- Decrease anxiety and depression
- Improve quality of life by increasing mobility and stamina
Program Staff
Our staff has a special understanding of the limitations imposed by chronic lung disease and the effect it has on quality of life. Staff includes:
- A medical director who is a board-certified pulmonologist and a credentialed member of the hospital's medical staff.
- A clinical program manager.
- A registered pulmonary nurse certified in advanced cardiac life support.
- Exercise physiologists and respiratory therapists.
Enrollment and Schedule
The program meets Monday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons in the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Department located in The Bolduc Family Outpatient Center. Each session lasts one and a half hours. Times are subject to change to meet patient and program needs.
Program Costs
The Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program participates with Medicare, Medicaid, HMOs, PPOs and most private insurance companies.
Before starting the program, participants must receive approval from their physician. In order to develop a safe program that meets the needs of each patient, the Pulmonary Rehabilitation staff conducts an evaluation that includes a medical history, physical examination and a pulmonary exercise test.

Exercise includes stationary bicycles, treadmills, recumbent steppers, bicycle arm ergometers and free weights. Each exercise session begins with a group warm-up, individualized pulmonary conditioning, weight training and a cool-down. You are monitored to ensure your physical well-being and, based on your progress, your exercise prescription will be updated weekly.
The program includes lectures and discussions that help participants understand the nature of chronic lung disease and the role that behavior plays in maximizing independence and physical capabilities. Topics include:
- Anatomy and physiology
- Proper nutrition for pulmonary patients
- Pulmonary medication and hygiene
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and other lung disease
- Exercise for pulmonary patients
- Breathing retraining
- Other topics of interest based on individual needs
At the conclusion of the program, graduates, their referring physicians and/or their primary care physicians will receive a detailed report of progress and performance which provides exercise guidelines and recommendations to help participants continue an exercise program on their own.
Phase III Pulmonary Maintenance Program
This medically-supervised exercise program lasts approximately one hour and includes taking your blood pressure, heart rate and oxygen saturation before and after exercise. The program meets Tuesdays and Fridays at 12:30 until 3:00 p.m. in the pulmonary rehab area of The Bolduc Family Outpatient Center. Cost is $75 per month, payable the first of each month.
Pulmonary Support Group
We welcome pulmonary patients and their family, friends, and caregivers. Usually meets fourth Tuesday of the month from 3:00pm-4:30pm in the Pavilion 1 Classroom. Cookies, coffee and tea provided. Topics to be determined by group.
For more information or to make an appointment you can reach The Bolduc Family Outpatient Center at 443-718-3000.