Pain Management

Many of us experience pain - whether it is after an injury or surgery, or due to a chronic, long lasting condition that causes pain, such as arthritis or cancer. Talk to your doctor about the most effective ways to control pain. There are many pain management techniques, including:

  • If you have an injury, rest, ice, compression and elevation are recommended.
  • Physical therapy may be indicated for injuries or orthopedic conditions. Physical therapy can greatly improve pain and strengthen muscles to support an area of the body that has strain or pain.
  • Devices such as peripheral nerve stimulation and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation units.
  • Medications - from ibuprofen to opioids - there are options to alleviate pain safely without risking dependence on medication.
  • Alternative/complimentary therapies, such as acupuncture and massage, are sometimes used in the management of pain.

Contact a Pain Specialist

  • Steven Levin, MD

    • Medical Director, Regional Pain Program
    • Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine

    Primary Location: Charter Professional Center, Columbia, MD

  • Mark Thomas Matsunaga, MD

    Primary Location: Comprehensive Pain Center, Columbia, MD

Preparing for Surgery to Minimize Pain

For most surgical patients, research has shown that following specific steps before surgery can help improve your recover, resulting in a more positive experience, better outcomes and fewer, if any, complications and possibly a shorter hospital stay. Diet, exercise, hydration and good health prior to a procedure can lessen the need for opioid pain medications. There are alternatives to these medicines available and your surgeon will discuss these options with you prior to any procedure.

Opioid Resources