Apply for Community Funding
Our Goal
Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center (JHHCMC) is committed to championing healthy behaviors, health-risk prevention and healthy environments in Howard County. Our goal is to improve the quality of health in our communities.
Our Priority Areas
We support charitable not-for-profit organizations that benefit diverse populations. We prefer organizations and proposals that address the priorities of our Community Health Needs Assessment (see below). Also, preference will be given to organizations who receive financial or volunteer support from JHHCMC employees, professional staff members and volunteers. Funds granted should directly benefit Howard County residents.
Community Health Improvement Priorities from Community Health Needs Assessment:
- Access to Care: Increase the percentage of local residents with access to affordable health care.
- Obesity: Enable people of all ages to achieve and maintain a healthy weight through healthy eating and physical activity.
- Behavioral Health (Mental Health and Addictions): Ensure access to affordable and quality behavioral health services for residents of all ages and decrease the number of hospital emergency visits for behavioral health issues.
- Elderly Health Improvement: Improve case management services and coordinated health care for senior citizens to reduce repeat hospitalizations and increase the number of seniors living independently at home.
Eligibility and Application Process
Eligible Organizations
Eligible applicants must have tax-exemption status under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or be a public entity. The organization should be based in Howard County or, if located in another part of the state, should serve primarily county residents.Not Eligible for Support:
- Individuals
- Political Organizations/Candidates
- Private Charities or Foundations
- Fraternal, Military or Labor Organizations
Applications are to be submitted via e-mail ([email protected]) or they can be mailed to the Howard Hospital Foundation at Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center, 5755 Cedar Lane, Columbia, MD 21044. The request must include:
- Completed JHHCMC Application for Charitable Gift
- A list of officers and/or Board of Directors (if applicable)
- IRS 990 Form
- Summary of previous year’s event (if applicable)
- A letter of tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or W9 form
Our fiscal year starts July 1 of every year. Please submit all of your annual fiscal year requests at once versus periodically throughout the year. If you are submitting for one event in particular, or even a general request that is not time sensitive, we require 90 days to review, respond and fund requests for support.