Working for Meaningful Impact

Johns Hopkins Health Plans 2023 Grant Outcomes Summary

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Johns Hopkins Health Plans is committed to the health and well-being of the communities we serve. Taking on the challenges that many of our members face on a daily basis is an important part of helping our communities achieve their best health. Addressing factors such as financial stability, education, access to food and other social determinants of health (SDOH) is a fundamental part of supporting the health of our diverse communities.

As an organization actively invested in the well-being of our communities, we recognize the meaningful impact we can have in the lives of the individuals and families who live in them — our neighbors. Building strong working relationships with like-minded community organizations allows us to broaden our reach and enhance the impact of our efforts.

Throughout 2023, Johns Hopkins Health Plans provided grants, funding, scholarships and other forms of community support to multiple community organizations. From taking on health disparities in underserved communities on the Eastern Shore to providing access to no-cost wearable breast pumps for black families in the neonatal intensive care unit, our funding activities are aimed at alleviating the health inequities that result from SDOH such as income, race, education and immigration status.

An overview of the grants Johns Hopkins Health Plans committed to in 2023 shows the progress and the meaningful impacts strategic investments in our communities can have in advancing health equity. Here is a summary of that progress to date and some of the positive outcomes of our community investments.
Over the course of our growth, Johns Hopkins Health Plans has established numerous successful working relationships with like-minded community organizations who share our mission to support and uplift individuals and communities, particularly those that historically have been underserved. By building strong alliances and providing support to them, we extend our capacity to improve the health of our communities by addressing the social determinants that drive health inequity.