Pediatric ECG Review Research Program

Pediatric ECG Review (pECGreview) is a web-based, ECG of the week style program to enhance the ECG reading skills of pediatric cardiology fellows and other trainees and faculty.

Developed at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and administered at Johns Hopkins University, it is now available to all pediatric cardiology training programs.

Like many programs, we have used an “ECG of the week” approach as a supplement for training our fellows to read ECGs. We have created a web-based app using a secure REDCap survey platform to improve that process. The participants receive an email each Monday with a link to an ECG and text boxes to enter their interpretation. A follow-up email on Friday provides our interpretation and comments. A local faculty facilitator receives a weekly report of the fellows’ responses so that they can provide feedback as appropriate.

See Sample ECG and Weekly Report

Fellows are encouraged to review any questions they have with their facilitator/faculty. More than 40 training programs and 500 participants are now using our program.

pECGrepository Research

We have also created a repository of de-identified ECG interpretations from pECGreview for use in research seeking to optimize training in ECG interpretation. This repository database, pECGrepository, is distinct from pECGreview, and contains pECGreview interpretations but no PII. (JHM IRB #00352925, Principal Investigator: Glenn Wetzel).

pECGreview participants who prefer not to have their responses included in pECGrepository can request withdrawal of their responses from the database at any time by using the pECGreview general link below.

Enroll in pECGreview or Change Enrollment Status

To enroll as a new participant or a new group, change your enrollment, or to contact us please use this link:

Enroll Today

For non-enrollment questions, you may also contact us at:

Twitter: @Peds_ECG_Guy

If you wish to withdraw from participation in pECGreview you can do so at any time using the link above.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contribute an ECG

Please use the link below to contribute up to 5 ECGs. The link can be re-used as needed.

Most picture file types are acceptable except PDF. Those will need to be converted to another format to be added properly.

Submissions will be reviewed to ensure that they transmit properly. Scheduling the distribution date of your ECG will depend on the other recent topics but generally within 1-2 months.

Contribute ECGs

About Us

Pediatric ECG Review (pECGreview) is an on-line tool for improving ECG reading skills.

The project was developed by Karine Guerrier, DO, MPH, and Glenn Wetzel, MD, PhD, electrophysiologists at UTHSC/Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital. It is now administered by Johns Hopkins Medicine.

Please do not reproduce any of these materials without written permission from pECGreview.