Pediatric Neurocritical Care

Eliot and his neurocritical care teamA young patient and his parents with pediatric intensivists Sujatha Kannan and Courtney Robertson.

The Pediatric Neurocritical Care program provides high quality state-of-the-art care to prevent neurologic injury and improve neurologic outcomes for critically ill and injured infants and children, enabling normal development and function. We achieve this with an integrated, multidisciplinary team of experts, including pediatric specialists from:

Our specialized team provides care for children with neurocritical care issues including traumatic brain injury, stroke, encephalitis/meningitis, status epilepticus, brain and spinal cord tumors, neuromuscular disorders, encephalopathy and neurovascular disorders.


Our neurocritical care research involves collaborative, multispecialty programs in basic science and clinical research that tap into the strengths of the Johns Hopkins neuroscience community. Because both injury and response to injury in the pediatric age group can be influenced by perinatal events and have effects at older ages, our program focuses on integrating the pathology throughout life, from the fetus to old age.

Learn more about research.

Our Team

Nurse Practitioner

Theresa Ruddy, C.R.N.P.

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