Featured Stories
'If We Don't Fight for Them, Who Will?'
Pediatric pulmonologist Christy Sadreameli advocates for public policies aimed at protecting vulnerable young lungs.
Treating Patients with Neurologic Conditions from Prenatal Stages Through Adulthood
In the Johns Hopkins Center for Fetal Therapy and the Greenberg Skeletal Dysplasia Center, multidisciplinary teams of experts provide rare treatments and follow patients throughout their lifetimes.
Better Sleep for Children with Breathing Issues
From snoring to severe obstructive sleep apnea, sleep-disordered breathing issues occur in nearly 20% of children, says Emily Boss, director of pediatric otolaryngology.
Comprehensive Care for Pediatric Limb Deformity and Reconstruction
Erin Honcharuk, a pediatric orthopaedic surgeon at Johns Hopkins, is leading the way to bring the latest techniques and multidisciplinary care to patients who require limb-lengthening and deformity correction.
A Team Approach for Pediatric Patients
Taking quick action was crucial to preserve the sight of Bernie Cowell Murray, who was diagnosed with congenital glaucoma just days after her birth.
Johns Hopkins Pediatric Burn Center Is the Only One of Its Kind in Maryland
At the Johns Hopkins Pediatric Burn Center, a multidisciplinary team helps patients and their families heal, both physically and mentally.