
A number of graduate programs are available to prospective graduate students interested in training at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. Visit the Office of Graduate Biomedical Education for additional resources. Faculty at the school generally participate in more than one program, providing students flexibility in their education. For details, select a program below and visit the programs' Web sites. You may also find graduate programs matching your interests at The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health or The Johns Hopkins University.

Students interested in pursuing a combined M.D.-Ph.D. program should apply to our Medical Scientist Training Program. We also offer summer internships each year for medical students interested in training with one of our faculty members. 

Training tomorrow's biomedical leaders:

Summer Research Fellowships

Each year the Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences offers 10 summer fellowships to medical students who wish to train with one of our faculty members. The internships run for 8-10 \weeks and carry a stipend of $3,000. For more information, or to apply, contact the Office of Graduate Medical Education.

Graduate Education at Johns Hopkins IBBS

Deeply rooted in the mission of the Johns Hopkins Institute for Basic Biomedical Sciences is education and training of future leaders in biomedical research. The IBBS is home to the oldest and second largest of the 13 PhD granting graduate programs in the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, the Graduate Program in Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology (BCMB). Additionally, IBBS faculty members teach nearly all fundamental preclinical courses for medical students. More than half of the PhD candidates at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine choose to do their research in IBBS labs. Here, Crystal Watkins, graduate of the MD-PhD program, and now a faculty member in the Department of Psychiatry, credits her many mentors in her success at Hopkins.

Our students and postdocs talk about the basic science experience.