Personalized evaluation, counseling, and management of patients with heritable aneurysm conditions. Data derived from the JHH Cardiovascular Connective Tissue Disorders Clinic has already led to the development and widespread use of guidelines for the care of Loeys Dietz Syndrome (LDS) patients. Through the integration of many new sources of data, this project will both refine and extend our ability to anticipate and prevent morbidity and mortality in inherited aneurysm conditions including LDS, Marfan syndrome, Vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (vEDS, VEDS, previously known as EDS type IV), and others.
Current practice guidelines are based on what is best for the average patient with an inherited aotopthy. Our mission is to be able to answer: What is best for the patient sitting in front of me right now?
Pediatric Genetic Syndromes with Aortopathy Research and Precision Medicine
Patient Care for Pediatric Genetic Syndromes with Aortopathy
Office Address
Blalock 1008
600 N. Wolfe Street
Baltimore, MD 21287
Phone: 410-955-3071
Fax: 410-367-3231
Clinic Location
The Charlotte R. Bloomberg Children's Center
1800 Orleans St., Room 2201
Baltimore, MD 21287