Cardiac Imaging

Johns Hopkins’ cardiac imaging radiologists are subspecialty trained experts in interpreting imaging of the cardiac system including anatomy and function of the heart and vessels. We offer comprehensive cardiac imaging exams including cardiac CTA, cardiac MRI and calcium scoring.

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New and existing patients: 443-997-7237
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Your Cardiac CTA Exam

This video will give insight on how a CTA exam works and what to expect during and after your appointment. 

Cardiac imaging is a critical step in the accurate diagnosis of many heart conditions. Advanced imaging techniques can display three-dimensional pictures within the arteries, and perhaps provide clues to future cardiovascular events. Learn from Dr. Stefan Zimmerman to learn about the many types of new imaging technology such as coronary CT, calcium scoring, and cardiac MRI.

Our Experts

  • Stefan Zimmerman, MD

    • Division Director, Diagnostic Imaging

    Expertise: Diagnostic Radiology

    Primary Location: The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

  • Javad Raymond Azadi, MD

    • Director of Quality & Safety

    Expertise: Diagnostic Radiology

    Primary Location: The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

  • Claire Brookmeyer, MD

    Expertise: Diagnostic Radiology

    Primary Location: The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

  • Linda Chu, MD

    Expertise: Diagnostic Radiology

    Primary Location: The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

  • Julianna Czum, MD

    Expertise: Diagnostic Radiology

    Primary Location: The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

  • Cheng Ting Lin, MD

    Expertise: Diagnostic Radiology

    Primary Location: The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

  • Elliot K. Fishman, MD

    • Elliot K. Fishman Professorship in Radiology

    Expertise: Diagnostic Radiology

    Primary Location: The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD

  • Muhammad Umair, MD

    Expertise: Diagnostic Radiology

    Primary Location: The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD