Health and Safety Training
The Department of Health, Safety and Environment provides both online web-based and instructor-lead training (ILT) courses to Johns Hopkins Medicine and Johns Hopkins University. Both Federal and State regulatory requirements and Johns Hopkins policies require employees and staff to receive certain safety training and stay informed about potential health and safety risks or hazards in the workplace. All Safety courses registration and enrollments are available at Johns Hopkins myJHU portal website.
This web-site is a one-stop-shop for all employees who want to take e-courses or register for traditional instructor lead classroom (ILT) training for both Johns Hopkins Medicine (i.e. both clinical and non-clinical) and university staff. A JHED ID is required to enroll.
For more information about our Safety training courses or if you need any assistance please contact us at 410-955-5918 / or at If you need general assistance with the Johns Hopkins Interactive Learn Share system, please contact
To register for a Safety course, please follow the steps below:
- Go to myJHU portal, login with your JHED ID and Password
- Navigate to Education and click on myLearning
- Type the name of the course in the Search Catalog box or click on Course Catalog tab to view a catalog listing of our Safety courses
To access our courses directly, click on the links below:
- JH Fire, Hazard Communication, and Construction Safety
(NOTE: This course replaces the retired course 'Fire Safety and Hazard Communication') - JH | Bloodborne Pathogens
- Minimizing Risk from Fluoroscopy
- Fluoroscopy Refresher
- Cidex OPA
- DOT Training- Shipping Ebola Contaminated Waste
- DOT/ IATA Dangerous Good Shipping
- DOT/IATA Shipping Certification Consumer Commodities (NOTE: Update to Ground Shipment Requirements)
- Irradiators
- Respiratory Protection (This course is required before a person can wear any type of respirator)
- Respirator Safety Refresher Video
- Difference Between Respirator and Surgical Mask Refresher Video
- JHHS | Fire Prevention in the Perioperative/Procedural Setting and Fire Extinguisher Training
(NOTE: This course replaces the retired course 'Operating Room Fire Safety and Fire Extinguisher Training') - Office Ergonomics
- Ribavirin Safety
- Chemical Waste Management
- Laboratory Safety Preparatory Course
- Crowd Manager
- Using Fire Extinguishers at JHU Homewood
- The Safe Use of Lasers in the Laboratory
For course descriptions, click HERE.
- JH Fire, Hazard Communication, and Construction Safety
We also encourage you to register for our instructor-lead hands-on safety courses.
- BBP- Non Human Primate Module
- BioSafety Cabinets
- Bloodborne Pathogens
- BSL-3 Practices
(Attendance is restricted. Click here for details) - Chemo/Listed Drug Disposal
- DOT/ IATA Dangerous Goods Shipping
- Fire Safety
- Hazard Communication
- Laboratory Safety/ Biosafety Level I & II at East Baltimore
- Radiation Safety
- Respiratory Protection - Train the Trainer
- Spill Prevention, Control & Countermeasure
- Using Fire Extinguishers at JHU Homewood
To schedule an Ad-Hoc Training with HSE Coordinator:
- Please email the HSE Coordinator at
- Complete the electronic Class Session Roster and submit via email to the HSE Coordinator.
(NOTE: Please submit the Class Session Roster no later than 24hrs prior to the training)
For more classes offered, click HERE.
Important Notes
- To use Johns Hopkins Interactive and enroll in Safety classes, you’ll need a JHED ID account.
- Our online safety courses have a quiz, in order to receive credit and a certificate for taking the course you’ll need to complete the course with a passing grade.
- Your completed course history will be maintained in Johns Hopkins Interactive in your “My Learning History”. Feel free to sign-in and review your report card or download a certificate for completed courses.
Instructor-Lead Course Descriptions
The purpose of this course is to train pre-designated staff on how to identify common locations of asbestos containing materials, describe the steps for control of asbestos fiber releases, demonstrate spill response actions to a spill of asbestos containing materials and describe any site-specific requirements of available Operations and Maintenance plans.
To inform employees, who have potential job-related exposure to blood and/or internal body fluids how to minimize the risk of exposure or infection to the following: Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome (HIV), Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), Hepatitis B and C (HBV, HCV), or other blood borne diseases.
This training provides general information on working with chemicals in a safe manner. The course covers chemical laboratory safety, proper chemical handling and storage, emergency procedures, and personal protective equipment. This course is required for all laboratory staff or persons working with chemicals in their daily activities.
This training describes the proper disposal methods for Chemotherapeutic agents and drugs listed by the EPA as hazardous waste. This course is designed for persons handling Chemo and EPA listed drugs.
The purpose of this course is to inform personnel to special dangers of entering and working in a confined space (i.e. tanks, pits, vaults, and manholes).
Shipments of hazardous materials and dangerous goods are regulated by the US Department of Transportation (DOT) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Individuals who package, label, transport, or prepare dangerous goods for shipment must complete the training every two years per IATA requirements and every three years per DOT regulations. We strongly encourage staff to take the class every two years, but staff MUST take the class at least every three.
This course is aimed at those who will routinely ship biological materials from the institution and those who transport such materials between campuses. Staff who need to ship radioactive materials should contact the Radiation Safety Office at 5-3710. Staff who need to ship chemicals should contact HSE at 5-5918. -
The purpose of the Course is to provide basic information on Driver Safety. It was developed in conjunction with the State of Maryland, Department of Motor Vehicles. The course provides information on Impaired Driving, Aggressive Driving, Distracted and Drowsy Driving, and Child Passenger Safety.
This training is for persons, who dispose of hazardous chemical waste. This course is required for all laboratory staff and any others who generate and dispose of hazardous chemical waste.
To inform employees of the hazards associated with improper body mechanics and the proper procedures to correct the hazards.
To train staff working in the Operating Room on how to respond to fires and fire alarms in conjunction with taking care of the patient.
To train staff on how to respond to fires and fire alarms in both a healthcare and business occupancy setting along with the management of patients, staff, and visitors.
This course provides general information on the recognition of hazards and steps to take to prevent accidents. This course is designed for all employees.
This training provides technical information on the proper methods for cleaning up a spill of a hazardous drug. This course is required for persons whose duties include hazardous drug spill response.
This training provides general information on how to recognize a hazardous spill and who to notify for spill cleanup response. This course is designed for all staff.
To inform employees of their rights under the Hazard Communication Standard and Hazard Communication Program.
This training is intended for employees at JHH and JHU who have been designated as a member of the JHMI Incipient Stage Fire Response Team. Members are typically from Security, Safety and Security. In addition, there is a Joint Commission requirement that members of the OR staff also get this training. The OR staff includes Surgeons, Nurses, Anaesthesiologists, etc.
To inform Laboratory staff of the programs and policies established by the Institution to ensure that the Laboratory is safe from recognizable hazards.
To inform employees about servicing and maintenance of machines and equipment in which the unexpected energization or start up of the machines or equipment, or release of stored energy could cause injury to employees and how this can be avoided.
This training provides information on how to properly clean up a mercury spill. This course is required for persons whose job duties include responding to and clean up a mercury spill.
This course provides information on hearing conservation and control methods to reduce noise exposure in the workplace. This course is required for employees who work in high noise environments.
Ladders are a common tool used in everyday life. However, serious injury can occur if the wrong ladder for the job is used, ladders are used incorrectly, or defective ladders are utilized. Ladder Safety training provides information on ladder hazards, selection, types, proper use, maintenance and performing inspections.
To inform employees the hazards associated with MRI.
Work areas are to be assessed for hazards present and based upon those hazards HSE recommends personal protective equipment (PPE) that should be worn to protect workers. Employees are to be trained on when and what is necessary, the proper use and care of the PPE, and PPE limitations. PPE training generally consists of: eye protection, hand protection, foot protection, face protection, and head protection. Training on respiratory protection and hearing conservation are covered separately.
The purpose of this course is to train employees on how to properly and safely operate powered industrial trucks.
The course covers the following radiation safety related topics:
- Administration, Basic Topics on Radioactivity
- Bioeffects and Risks of Radiation
- Internal and External Radiation Control
- Radiation Detection Instrumentation
- Ordering Radioactive Material, Waste Disposal
- Video, Radionuclide Hazards
- Emergencies, Lab Rules
The goal of this test is to ensure that proper donning and doffing technique utilized and that the respirator being tested properly fits the individual’s facial features. Testing may involve either qualitative or quantitative test methods.
Prerequisites / Situations to Avoid
- Individuals must complete either on-line or instructor led Respiratory Protection training course prior to completing fit-test
- Individuals must complete a medical evaluation form for respirator usage and be approved by Occupational Health Services prior to being fit-tested
- Individuals must be cleanly shaven in areas of the face where respirator contacts skin
- Individuals must abstain from smoking 30 minutes prior to arriving for fit-test
- In the event that the qualitative method is utilized, individuals must abstain from eating and drinking (exception is water), 15 minutes prior to arriving for fit-test
Note: You have to complete the online Respiratory Protection course before you can be fit tested.
This course presents important information about the standards, safety, and procedures for fit-testing of respiratory protection apparatus. The instructor lead course is intended for employees who wish to fit-test their staff for N95 respirators.
This course is designed to provide information on seasonal safety issues such as working in cold or hot environments. This course is designed for employees whose duties would include working in cold or hot environments.
To inform Facilities employees of the content of JHI’s SPCC plan. This plan provides information on how to ensure containment of an oil spill along with other countermeasures that would prevent oil spills from reaching navigable waters. Annual refresher training is required.
To inform employees of the hazards associated with computer usage and the proper procedures to correct the hazards.
Web Based Course Descriptions
This online course fulfills the annual training requirements mandated by OSHA and the Johns Hopkins Institutions for those who work with or around blood, other potentially infectious materials (OPIM), unfixed tissue, and human cell lines including those who package or handle human-derived samples for shipping. Training will consist of: different types of blood diseases, routes of exposure, what to do if you are exposed, how to clean up spills, and prevention.
This course is designed to fulfill the requirement for annual training for proper disinfection and safe use of this high level disinfectant. This training will consist of proper cleaning and disinfecting procedures, safety precautions and ways to avoid risk of exposure. At the completion of the training there will be a 25 question quiz that must be passed with a score of 80% for successful completion of the course.
Annual Refresher training must be completed per OSHA regulation 1910.1030 (Bloodborne Pathogens), OSHA regulation 1910.1200 (Chemical Right to Know), HSE Policy 501 (Bloodborne Pathogens Control Program) and HSE Guidance G03 (Guidance for Employees Using Ortho-phthalaldehyde) to Disinfect Equipment. You are required to complete this training because your job requires the use of Ortho-phthalaldehyde (Cidex® OPA).
Shipments of hazardous materials and dangerous goods are regulated by the US Department of Transportation (DOT) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Individuals who package, label, transport, or prepare shipper's declarations must complete transportation / shipping training every 2 years and follow all DOT/IATA regulations. This course is aimed at those who will routinely ship biological materials from the institution and those who transport such materials between campuses. Staff who need to ship radioactive materials should contact the Radiation Safety Office at 5-3710. Staff who need to ship chemicals should contact HSE at 5-5918.
Shipments of hazardous materials and dangerous goods are regulated by the US Department of Transportation (DOT) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA). Individuals who package, label, transport, or prepare shipper's declarations must complete transportation / shipping training every 2 years and follow all DOT/IATA regulations. This course is aimed at those who will routinely ship medications from the institution. Staff who need to ship radioactive materials should contact the Radiation Safety Office at 5-3710. Staff who need to ship chemicals should contact HSE at 5-5918.
This course is required annually for all Johns Hopkins Hospital employees and is recommended at least once every three years for non-hospital employees as a refresher in preparation for a Joint Commission Survey. The Fire Safety portion will review how to respond to a fire/fire alarms, evacuations, and fire prevention. The Hazard Communication portion reviews how to become familiar with chemical hazards, material safety data sheets (MSDS), and properly labeling of containers.
This course is intended for licensed practitioners of the healing arts and radiological technologists who energize (or direct the use of) a fluoroscopic x-ray unit. Four hours of study and satisfactory completion of the quiz will fulfill and document the training requirements mandated by the Maryland Department of the Environment.
The following physicians are exempt from the training requirements: radiologists certified by the American Board of Radiology, licensed practitioners of the healing arts and radiation therapy technologists exclusively energizing fluoroscopic radiation machines for the purpose of therapy simulation, and physicians whose energizing of fluoroscopic equipment is limited to a C-arm fluoroscope manufactured exclusively for imaging extremities.
This course is intended for licensed practitioners of the healing arts and radiological technologists who energize (or direct the use of) a fluoroscopic x-ray unit. One-hour refresher lecture for all fluoroscopic users every 24 months after they have met all initial requirements needed to perform fluoroscopy will fulfill and document the training requirements mandated by the Maryland Department of the Environment.
This course explains why/when a respirator would be necessary and how improper fit, use, or maintenance can compromise its protective effect. It reviews the limitations and capabilities of the respirator, effective use in emergency situations, how to inspect, don, doff, and use a respirator, how to properly maintain and store respirators, how to recognize medical signs and symptoms that may limit or prevent effective use and the general requirements of the Respiratory Protection Standard.
*Please note that this course does not fulfill the requirement for annual fit testing. After you complete this course, you must be fit tested in order to wear a respirator.
When you must wear a respirator to protect yourself against airborne contaminants in your workplace, it is very important to follow proper procedures for putting it on and taking it off.
When you are required to wear a respirator to protect yourself against airborne contaminants in your workplace, it is very important to follow proper procedures for donning and doffing. This video reviews those procedures.
This course presents important information about surgical/procedure fires. Even though surgical/procedure fires are not a common occurrence when they do happen, their consequences can be grave. This training will explain the additional fire risks in these settings, how to prevent fires from starting and how to respond to them.
A presentation to inform employees about proper ergonomics. Provides viewers an understanding of basic proper ways to sit and work at a computer workstation. This will increase productivity and help reduce injury.
This course talks about safety precautions needed when working with Ribavirin, an antiviral agent used for the treatment of respiratory syncytial virus in pediatric patients. Ribavirin should be considered a hazardous substance and handled as such.
The course is designed to instruct labs how to dispose of properly the chemical wastes they generate.
The Johns Hopkins Institutions is committed to provide a safe environment for staff and students to perform the necessary laboratory procedures for completion of their research or education. This course is not intended to certify you as a laboratory worker. To fully comprehend the hazards of working in a laboratory, you must complete additional specific training as directed by your Department and Principle Investigator.