Current Initiatives

In recent years the House Staff Council (HSC) has addressed house staff health care issues; conducted hospital-wide surveys on work-hours, supervision, and  educational debt of house staff. We also advocate for resident benefits, improved childcare facilities and hours, insurance coverage and retirement funds. The House Staff Council sponsors educational seminars along with leadership and professional development workshops. In addition, the House Staff Council hosts social events to bring together residents from all departments. The House Staff Council also has a number of funds to provide financial support to house staff who have emergency situations, or who suffer catastrophic medical problems.

House Staff Wellness

The goal of the HSC for this year is to improve the wellness of the house staff. We are committed to making sure your voice is heard and changes are made to make our residency experience the best it can be. 

Wellness Resources

Visit our page to see a ton of great resources from well-being to pregnancy and parenting while in training.

If you have a suggestion about how to improve the house staff work environment or wellness please email us at [email protected]

Community Building in the COVID Era

We are continuing to have virtual and non-virtual socially distanced, small group activities to build community.  New are our "Dine & Dash" events for grab and go hot meals at JHH and Bayview.  Stay tuned for more events and initiatives!  If you have ideas you would like to launch, let us know!  We would love to support you and collaborate.

Cultivating Workplace Civility

Our hospital could not run without the hard work you put in daily. We would also be helpless without our incredible nursing counterparts. Along with our monthly resident appreciation awards, we have implemented a new Nurse of the Month award. Nominations can be made here: Outstanding Resident and Nurse Nominations

Safety Culture and Duty Hours

We continue to work with the hospital to improve the safety and working conditions of students, residents, and faculty.   This includes safety, culture, duty hours, and access to personal protective equipment.

Please fill out this completely anonymous survey to report any rotations that result in frequent duty-hours violations. As always, you can email any concerns directly to the HSC executives or Dr. Jessica Bienstock and we will work with you to find the best solution. 

Diversity Council 

The Vice President for Diversity position and the House Staff Diversity Council were created in 2018 after key GME administrators recognized the need to address diversity and inclusion barriers for under-represented in medicine (URM) house staff at Johns Hopkins.  Our aim is to foster D&I initiatives that fulfill Johns Hopkins' mission of diversity, inclusion, cultural and spiritual competence.  We are committed to improving Diversity and Inclusion at Hopkins.  We have organized White Coats for Black Lives protests, fundraisers, reflection sessions, and many more events to improve the diversity and inclusion at our institutions and across the Baltimore community.  More information can be found on the Diversity Council page.

Resident Parking

You’ve already sacrificed your weekend to work on call, you shouldn’t have to pay for parking if you stay late Monday morning to take care of your patients. Post call parking charges in Orleans garage past 9am will now be covered by the house staff council. If issues or concerns regarding parking arise, please contact your HSC departmental representative or any of the HSC executives. 

Friends Don’t Let Friend Drive Sleep – Taxi Service

If you or a colleague are too sleepy to drive home safely, please DON’T RISK IT! Take a taxi home and back. Save your receipts. Your department is obligated to reimburse you. Corporate Security also offers a walking and vehicle escort service within certain boundaries. More details can be found at Hopkins Security Parking and Transportation.

Resident Coffee Options

We heard you, and now we are continuing to work on ways to make good free coffee available to all residents. Stay tuned for more details. 

Resident Lounge Phone Chargers

Patient care can be challenging without a working phone, and often we forget to bring our chargers. The GME office wellness initiative will be providing phone charging cables for all resident work areas. 

Resident Child Care Options

It’s hard enough to be a resident, it’s even harder to take care of a family and children while you’re a doctor in training. We would love to hear your experiences, good or bad, in this matter so we can work on providing more reliable and affordable child care options. Please email us at [email protected].

Resident Portal

All House Staff, when logging into my.jhmi, have access to a Resident Portal. This is constantly updated with upcoming events, important announcements, and links to important website and resources.