HSC Meetings
The House Staff Council meets monthly to discuss new business related to residents and provide updates on ongoing projects and initiatives. House Staff Council meetings are also an important open forum for residents to provide input on new issues. All members of the house staff are welcome and free food is provided for in person meetings.
All meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month, either on Zoom or in person [subject to change given COVID-19 pandemic considerations.] For in person meetings, these will be held in Zayed 2117 (next to Chevy Chase Auditorium) at 5 p.m. Dinner is provided for in person meetings. Professional development sessions are frequently held in conjunction.
All departments are required to name at least two representatives to the House Staff Council at the beginning of the academic year, but all residents are encouraged to attend meetings to provide feedback to the administration as well as to learn about policy and procedure changes being implemented. If you are a resident and interested in participating in the HSC meetings, please email [email protected] for the meeting link.
2021-2022 Meeting Dates
- July 14
- August 11
- September 8
- October 13
- November 10
- December 8
- January 12
- February 9
- March 9
- April 13
- May 11
- June 8