Take Control of Your Heart Failure
A ventricular assist device (VAD) is a mechanical heart-assist pump that can prolong the lives of some patients while they wait for a heart transplant and can improve the quality of life for end-stage heart failure patients who don't qualify for transplant.
The Johns Hopkins VAD program helps patients provides patients with implantable devices that can help manage their heart failure.
Why Choose Johns Hopkins for Ventricular Assist Device Surgery?
Multidisciplinary Team

Patient-Centered Facilities

Advanced Surgical Treatment

LVAD | Regina's Story
Regina Collins was diagnosed with acute systolic congestive heart failure and was advised to get a left ventricular assist device (LVAD). She turned to Johns Hopkins, where she was able to have a bloodless procedure performed to implant the device.
Frequently Asked Questions
Learn more information about ventricular assist devices, how they will benefit you and what to expect during the procedure.
A ventricular assist device (VAD) is a pump that assists the failing ventricle by taking some of the workload from the heart and pumping blood to the body. Because it assists the left ventricle, the device is sometimes known as an LVAD—left ventricular assist device.
An inflow tube connects the LVAD to the heart, while an outflow tube connects the LVAD to the aorta, which delivers the blood to the rest of the body.
People diagnosed with end-stage heart failure who are no longer responding to medical management may benefit from a VAD. Patients may be transplant candidates who would receive the device as a bridge to transplant, or those who are not candidates for heart transplant, but would benefit from destination therapy. In both situations, a VAD may prolong and improve the quality of life.
The first stage of the process is to schedule an evaluation with our team. You will meet with a cardiologist who will discuss your current condition and will discuss all possible options to improve your health.
If your cardiologist recommends a VAD, you will meet with a cardiac surgeon to discuss the various available devices and discuss surgical aspects of the procedure. A VAD coordinator will meet with you and your family to review the VAD and all related patient care issues. If you and your doctor decide that a VAD is right for you, a series of tests will be necessary to confirm your medical eligibility for a device.
The Johns Hopkins Hospital Ventricular Assist Device Program offers two devices for left-side ventricular failure. Your cardiologist and surgeon will determine the best device for you. We use the following ventricular assist devices:
- Heartmate 3TM - FDA approved for both bridge to transplant and destination therapy.
- HeartWareTM - FDA approved for both bridge to transplant and destination therapy.
Advancements in Ventricular Assist Devices
Cardiac surgeon, Dr. Ahmet Kilic, answers commonly asked questions about left ventricular assist devices (LVAD) and discusses improvements to LVAD technology and implantation techniques.