Reclaim Your Life Ventricular Assist Devices Program

Take Control of Your Heart Failure

A ventricular assist device (VAD) is a mechanical heart-assist pump that can prolong the lives of some patients while they wait for a heart transplant and can improve the quality of life for end-stage heart failure patients who don't qualify for transplant.

The Johns Hopkins VAD program helps patients provides patients with implantable devices that can help manage their heart failure.

Why Choose Johns Hopkins for Ventricular Assist Device Surgery?

Our ventricular device program provides comprehensive care for heart failure patients, allowing them to improve their quality of life.

Multidisciplinary Team

Our program collaborates with cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, physical therapists and social workers to provide you the best quality of care.
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Patient-Centered Facilities

We provide two state-of-the-art care units, our intensive care unit and progressive care unit which provides a multitude of services including patient education.
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Advanced Surgical Treatment

Our ventricular assist devices (VAD) implant procedure is performed using the safest surgical methods possible, helping patients retain devices longer.
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LVAD | Regina's Story

Regina Collins was diagnosed with acute systolic congestive heart failure and was advised to get a left ventricular assist device (LVAD). She turned to Johns Hopkins, where she was able to have a bloodless procedure performed to implant the device.

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more information about ventricular assist devices, how they will benefit you and what to expect during the procedure.

Clinical Trials

The Johns Hopkins Ventricular Assist Devices Program participates in ongoing clinical trials. Contact us to learn more information.

Meet Our Team

Our team provides comprehensive care from implantation of the ventricular assist device to long-term management.

Advancements in Ventricular Assist Devices

Cardiac surgeon, Dr. Ahmet Kilic, answers commonly asked questions about left ventricular assist devices (LVAD) and discusses improvements to LVAD technology and implantation techniques.

Contact Our Patient Service Coordinator

Contact our patient service coordinator, Nicole Clark-Alford, for more information about the VAD program.