At the GBCI, we strive to care for all patients touched by bladder cancer. While statistically, bladder cancer is more often diagnosed in men, women are also diagnosed with bladder cancer, yet we realize there is not adequate attention focused on women with bladder cancer and their unique needs, and we aim to change that.
Under the stewardship of Dr. Armine Smith, a urologic surgeon, and Dr. Jean Hoffman-Censits, a urologic oncologist, and their supportive staff and colleagues, the GBCI has established among the first Women's Bladder Cancer Program in the country for those women who prefer to be seen by an all-female team. The Women's BC program is located at the Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, DC, a Johns Hopkins affiliate. In addition to offering a Multi-Disciplinary Clinic for women with bladder cancer who prefer an all-female team, Drs. Smith and Hoffman-Censits also collaborate extensively on research relating to bladder cancer in women, disparities in care, and diagnosis.
Patients can request a visit with the Women's Bladder Cancer Multi-Disciplinary Team by contacting
The GBCI has also partnered with Sibley Memorial Hospital offering a virtual monthly Women's Bladder Cancer Support Group for women diagnosed with bladder or urothelial cancer. Patients meet others who are going through similar experiences and gain support and friendship. The group is led by the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center at Sibley Memorial Hospital’s Center for Patient and Family Services genitourinary oncology social worker, Molly Vencel. The monthly Bladder Cancer Support Group - For Women Only meets on the 1st Thursday of every month from 12 -1 pm.
To join, contact Molly Vencel, MSW, LGSW at or 202-660-6839 for more information and to register. (Molly will provide you with the Zoom information).
VIDEOS Innovation in Women's Health
Advances in Treating Women's Bladder Cancer
The latest innovations in women’s bladder cancer are occurring at Sibley Memorial Hospital, part of Johns Hopkins Medicine. Drs. Armine Smith and Jean Hoffman-Censits explain their roles in treating women’s bladder cancer and what these advances mean for their patients.
Updates in Women's Bladder Cancer
Jean Hoffman-Censits, MD, and Armine Smith, MD, provide an update and discussion of the Women's Bladder Cancer Program at the Greenberg Bladder Cancer Institute.
Improving Research and Clinical Care, Bladder Cancer in Women
Dr. Jean Hoffman-Censits joins Alicia Morgan to speak about bladder cancer in women and the initiatives and importance of the Women's Bladder Cancer Program. (UroToday/GU Onc, May 10, 2020)
Bladder Cancer in Women: Improving Diagnosis and Treatment
Jean Hoffman-Censits joins Alicia Morgans and shares details on the Johns Hopkins women’s bladder cancer program. (UroToday/GU Onc, April 15, 2019)