

Johns Hopkins emergency medicine residents, who choose to gain expertise in global emergency care, spend a year working on customized projects under the mentorship of faculty from the Johns Hopkins Center for Global Emergency Care. The Focused Advanced Specialty Training (FAST) program is a structured curriculum designed by the resident and mentor to achieve specific goals based on the resident’s interests. Our residents have worked on academic research and service projects, and some have developed long-term engagements with global health organizations. FAST residents participate in a monthly competency based didactic curriculum and are expected to complete a scholarly activity of their choosing.

There are additional opportunities for trainees (at The Johns Hopkins University and beyond) to collaborate with our diverse faculty who have appointments in the schools of medicine, public health, and nursing, on capstone, practicum, research assistant and/or fellowship opportunities. Faculty can be reached directly or by emailing the center at

International Emergency Medicine & Public Health Fellowship

The Johns Hopkins International Emergency Medicine & Public Health Fellowship provides Emergency Physicians with the critical knowledge and skills to become leaders in global health. Recent global threats have created a renewed focus on disease surveillance, emergency response capacitation and health systems strengthening. Physicians specialized in Emergency Medicine with focused training in public health are uniquely suited to address these needs. Our vision is to use a deliberate practice approach to develop leaders in the field of International Emergency Medicine and Public Health. The fellowship program is designed to provide physicians the opportunity to obtain:

  1. formal public health training
  2. comprehensive field experiences
  3. focused research mentorship in International Emergency Medicine; and
  4. exposure to a well-founded academic environment.

Fellows benefit from the rich network of inter-departmental collaboration with faculty from The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and Bloomberg School of Public Health and receive outstanding cross-disciplinary mentoring in their areas of interest.

Johns Hopkins Hospital Emergency Nursing

The Center for Global Emergency Care also has a focus on strengthening emergency nursing. The vision of emergency nursing leadership is to create a global beacon of excellence in emergency nursing to be shared with emergency nursing leaders worldwide, by inspiring and empowering nurses to deliver evidence-based and compassionate quality patient care. You can learn more about Johns Hopkins nursing programs here.