Evidence-Based Practice Model & Tools
It's not just for nurses!
The fully revised model can help all healthcare professional better serve their patients. The 2022 Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Model for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals is a comprehensive, problem-solving approach designed to support clinical decision-making.
2022Johns Hopkins EBP Tools
Practical, easy-to-use resources designed to guide healthcare professionals through each step of the evidence-based process.
The PET Process Guide is a tool to plan each step of the EBP process.
These tools help develop focused clinical questions, perform comprehensive literature searches, and critically appraise evidence to inform decision-making. Through structured templates and checklists, the tools support consistent, high-quality implementation of EBP in both clinical and academic settings.
The EBP team uses this form to identify key stakeholders. Key stakeholders are persons, groups, or departments that have an interest in, concern about, or stake in your project. This may include approval, subject matter expertise, or resources. Communicate with stakeholders early in the process and keep them updated on progress to ensure their buy-in for implementation.
Use this form to document and collate the results of the review and appraisal of each piece of evidence in preparation for evidence synthesis. The table headers indicate important elements of each article that will contribute to the synthesis process. The data in each cell should be complete enough that the other team members can gather all relevant information related to the evidence without having to go to each source article.
This tool guides the EBP team through the process of synthesizing the pertinent findings from the Individual Evidence Summary (Appendix G), sorted by evidence level, to create an overall picture of the body of the evidence related to the PICO question. The synthesis process uses quantity, strength (level and quality), and consistency to generate the best evidence recommendations for potential translation.
This tool guides the EBP team through the process of analyzing the best-evidence recommendations for translation into the team’s specific setting. The translation process considers the strength, consistency, risk, fit, and acceptability of the best-evidence recommendations. The team uses both critical thinking and clinical reasoning to generate site-specific recommendations.
This template is a structured guide for writing a manuscript for publishing an evidence-based practice project. Each section above includes the aspects of the project required for developing a robust manuscript. It can also help divide the writing among team members and provides guidance on which elements of the EBP project fall under each heading (introduction, methods, results, and conclusion) without redundancy. When used, the JHEBP Model tools provide much of the information needed for a manuscript. Use the appendix references to locate the team’s previous work. This template was created with reference to the SQUIRE 2.0 guidelines (Ogrinc et al., 2016), PRISMA Statement (Moher et al., 2009), and the Evidence-Based Practice Process Quality Assessment Guidelines (Lee et al., 2013).
Citation for tools: Dang, D., Dearholt, S., Bissett, K., Ascenzi, J., & Whalen, M. (2022). Johns Hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals: Model and guidelines. 4th ed. Sigma Theta Tau International