Evidence-Based Practice Model & Tools
It's not just for nurses!
The fully revised model can help all healthcare professional better serve their patients. The Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Model for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals is a comprehensive, problem-solving approach designed to support clinical decision-making.
2025Johns Hopkins EBP Tools
Practical, easy-to-use resources designed to guide healthcare professionals through each step of the evidence-based process.
Purpose: This appendix outlines the steps in the PET process and factors the team should consider throughout the project. The tools to facilitate the steps are listed according to the process phase. Additionally, the decision tree guides teams in determining if an EBP project is the correct path and what kind of evidence search is required.
Purpose: This form guides the EBP team in developing an answerable EBP question. It is meant to be fluid and dynamic as the team engages in the question development process. As the team becomes familiar with the evidence base for the topic of interest, they revisit, revise, and refine the question, search terms, search strategy, and sources of evidence.
Purpose: This tool guides the team through the steps of searching for evidence that answers their EBP question and tracking the process. The team will first look for pre-appraised evidence in a best-evidence search. The results of that investigation will guide the next steps (a targeted or exhaustive search). Recording the evidence identification process creates confidence in the eventual project recommendations by demonstrating a thorough and unbiased approach.
Purpose: These tools collate information from pre-appraised evidence identified in the best-evidence search and other data obtained from a targeted search (G1) and literature gathered during the exhaustive evidence search (G2). It brings all the data into a central document to help the EBP team with the next step of the EBP process, synthesis.
Purpose: This tool guides the EBP team through the process of synthesizing the pertinent findings from the Best Evidence or Individual Evidence Summary (Appendix G1 or G2) to create an overall picture of the body of the evidence related to the EBP question. The team analyzes the data in each category of support for decision-making, as well as any additional organizational approaches that bring further insights.
Purpose: This tool guides the EBP team through analyzing the best-evidence recommendations for translation into the team’s specific setting. The translation process considers the certainty, risk, feasibility, fit, and acceptability of the best-evidence recommendations. The team uses both critical thinking and clinical reasoning to generate site-specific recommendations.
Citation for tools: Bissett, K., Ascenzi. J., & Whalen, M. (2025). Johns Hopkins evidence-based practice for nurses and healthcare professionals: Model and guidelines. 5th ed. Sigma Theta Tau International