Transgender Resources

Looking for resources on transgender and nonbinary health and well-being? Here we offer a variety of resources from Johns Hopkins and beyond to ensure you and your loved ones have the information you need to live fully and authentically.
Our team has put together a variety of resources to help you be an active participant in your care, advocate for yourself and make informed decisions. (Read about third-party links.)
From Johns Hopkins Health
Transgender Health Resources
Local Resources
- The PRIDE Center of Maryland
- Free State Legal Project
- PFLAG Maryland Chapters
- GLSEN Maryland Chapter
- TransYouth Maryland
- AIDS Action Baltimore
- Baltimore Harm Reduction Coalition
- Chase Brexton Health Care
- DCATS (DC Area Trans Masculine Society)
- Greater Baltimore Counseling Center
- Hearts & Ears
- Trans Healthcare Maryland
- Whitman Walker Health
- Youth Empowered Society
National and International Resources
- Find out whether the EEOC is the right agency to help you
- How to file a federal healthcare discrimination complaint with EEOC
- Time Limits for EEOC Complaints
- Find your EEOC field office
- OSHA best practices guide on restroom access for transgender workers
- For federal contractors: How to file a discrimination complaint w/ OFCCP [Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs]
- For federal employees: OPM guidance on transgender federal employees
- For federal employees: How to file a federal discrimination complaint w/ EEOC
- For federal contractors: U.S. Dept. of Labor directive on transgender employees
View state-specific information at the National Center for Transgender Equality ID Documents Center.
- American Civil Liberties Union LGBT Rights
- National Center for Lesbian Rights
- Lambda Legal
- Transgender Law Center
- National Center for Transgender Equality
- Gay and Lesbian Advocates & Defenders
- FreeState Justice
- ACLU of Maryland
- Sylvia Rivera Law Project
Law Enforcement Information
- What to do if you’re stopped by police or immigration agents
- ACLU/NCLR Know Your Rights guide for transgender prisoners
- ACLU PREA toolkit
- Find a certified PREA auditor
- The Library: ACLU LGBT Youth and Schools Resources and Links
- Schools in transition: A guide for supporting transgender students in K-12 schools
- Model district policy on transgender and gender nonconforming students
- GLSEN Sports Project
- Know Your Rights: A guide for trans and gender nonconforming students
- Q&A on the Office of Civil Rights complaint process
- Q&A on Title IX and single-sex classes and activities
- OCR complaint forms (electronic & PDF)
Additional Resources for the Johns Hopkins Community
Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Health Equity
Visit the Johns Hopkins Medicine Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Health Equity.
Browse LGBTQA affinity groups at Johns Hopkins.
LGBTQ Resources
Browse LGBTQ resources for Johns Hopkins Medicine students, staff and faculty.
Links to Third-Party Websites
The above resources are intended for informational purposes only. Third-party materials do not necessarily express the opinions of Johns Hopkins Medicine. These links are for convenience only, and the mention of any product, service, organization, activity or therapy are not intended to indicate an endorsement by or affiliation with Johns Hopkins Medicine.