Visiting a Loved One

At the Adult Burn Center, your loved one's health and recovery are our primary concerns. We recognize that having a loved one in the hospital is a stressful time and we want to provide as much support as possible. Although we have an open visitation policy, please remember that your loved one needs time for uninterrupted sleep and rest and is susceptible to infection. We ask that you take this into consideration when planning your visits.
In addition, please note:
- Directions and campus map (PDF)
- In semi-private rooms in the burn wound unit, family members and guests of the opposite sex may be asked to leave during the night out of consideration for other patients’ comfort and privacy. In the Burn Intensive Care Unit (BICU), guests and family members may be asked to leave during the night to allow for uninterrupted sleep.
- To enter the unit, press the call button on the intercom located on the wall outside of the unit’s doors. Do not push through the doors.
- Providing quality care to your loved one is our primary goal. If you are asked to leave the unit for any amount of time, please respect the staff’s clinical judgments.
- We may ask you to step out of the unit during doctors’ rounds and nursing reports in order to protect the privacy of our patients. We also may ask you to leave the unit due to activity on the unit.
- Burn dressing changes can take many hours, so we may have to interrupt your visiting time. Please call the unit before you visit and we will try our best to work with your schedule. You may also wait in the family waiting room during this time. Staff will let you know when you can return to the unit.
- In order to protect the privacy of other patients, please remain in your loved one’s room during your visit.
- Only two visitors at a time are allowed in the patient’s room. For their own safety and protection, no children under the age of 12 should visit.
- Burn Intensive Care Unit visitors: Please put on a yellow gown and gloves before entering your loved one’s room. Remove the gown before leaving the room and put it in the designated trash can.
- Burn Wound Unit visitors: Depending on your loved one’s condition, you may be asked to put on a yellow gown and gloves before entering your loved one’s room. Remove the gown before leaving the room and put it in the designated trash can.
- Please use the hand sanitizer located on the wall next to the patient’s room before entering and after leaving the room.
- Live flowers and plants are not allowed in the BICU or the Burn Wound Unit.
Calling the Unit
Due to federal privacy laws, we are only allowed to provide the patient’s condition over the phone. Please choose one family spokesperson to call the unit for information about your loved one. This will allow us to spend more time at the bedside caring for your family member. The spokesperson may call the nurses’ station 24 hours a day at 410-550-0890 for BICU patients, and 410-550-3279 for Burn-Wound Unit patients.