Estimate Your Risk
Estimate Your Risk
Very Low Risk
Low Risk
Intermediate Risk
High Risk
Very High Risk
Estimate Your Risk
Very Low Risk
Very Low-Risk Prostate Cancer
- PSA <10
- Gleason 3+3=6 and fewer than two cores
- Clinical exam: Normal
Management Options
- Active surveillance
- Open radical prostatectomy
- Robotic radical prostatectomy
- Radiation therapy
Clinical Trials
If you'd like to participate in a clinical trial at Johns Hopkins, visit the Institute for Clinical and Translational Research .
Low Risk
Low-Risk Prostate Cancer
- PSA 0-10
- Gleason 3+3=6 and more than two cores
- Clinical exam: Normal or half abnormality, one side only
Management Options
These men have a very low risk of dying from prostate cancer and generally do well with most forms of therapy. This is the most common form of prostate cancer.
- Active surveillance
- Open radical prostatectomy
- Robotic radical prostatectomy
- Radiation therapy
Clinical Trials
If you'd like to participate in a clinical trial at Johns Hopkins, visit the Institute for Clinical and Translational Research .
Intermediate Risk
Intermediate-Risk Prostate Cancer
- PSA 10-20
- Gleason 3+4 or 4+3
- Clinical exam: Abnormality that does not extend beyond the boundary of the prostate
Management Options
- Open radical prostatectomy
- Robotic radical prostatectomy
- Radiation therapy
Clinical Trials
If you'd like to participate in a clinical trial at Johns Hopkins, visit the Institute for Clinical and Translational Research .
High Risk
High-Risk Prostate Cancer
- PSA >20
- Gleason 4+4 or 4+5, more than five cores
- Clinical exam: Abnormality that extends beyond the prostate with no fixation
Management Options
These men have a much higher risk of recurrence with surgery or radiation or surveillance, and often benefit from more aggressive combination approaches.
- Open radical prostatectomy
- Robotic radical prostatectomy
- Radiation therapy and two to three years of hormonal suppression
Clinical Trials
If you'd like to participate in a clinical trial at Johns Hopkins, visit the Institute for Clinical and Translational Research .
Very High Risk
Very High-Risk Prostate Cancer
- Gleason 5+4 or 4+5
- Gleason 4+4 or 4+5 and more than four cores
- Clinical exam
Management Options
- Open radical prostatectomy
- Robotic radical prostatectomy
- Radiation therapy
Clinical Trials
If you'd like to participate in a clinical trial at Johns Hopkins, visit the Institute for Clinical and Translational Research .
- Gleason
- Clinical exam
Management Options
- Hormone therapy
- Chemotherapy
- Radium 223
- Immunotherapy
Clinical Trials
If you'd like to participate in a clinical trial at Johns Hopkins, visit the Institute for Clinical and Translational Research .