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Building a Biocontainment Unit

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Walter Reed - Enhanced Precautions Unit Training Session

The bcu team at waleter reed.
Bcu team at walter reed.
Bcu team at walter reed.
Bcu team holding an award.

On December 18th, 2019 we had the pleasure of partnering with Walter Reed National Military Medical Center to host an Enhanced Precautions Unit Training Session.

"Santa's Sleigh" - High Consequence Pathogen Transport Exercise

Two ambulances.
Stretcher entering an ambulance.
Practicing patient transport.
Practicing transport drills.

On December 14, 2019, Lifeline’s Special Operations Response Team (SORT) co-led an exercise with 2 emergency medical services (EMS) transport agencies, St. Francis Healthcare Special Operations Unit of Delaware and Cecil County EMS Department of Maryland.

"Mr. Clean" - Unit Decommission Exercise

Two biocontainment unit doctors.
Bio containment unit doctor with cleaning supplies.
Bio containment doctor checking functionality of hazzard suit.
Doctor throwing out trash.

On October 24, 2019, the BCU conducted a full scale exercise that tested the workflow of unit decommission following the hospitalization of a patient infected with a viral hemorrhagic fever.

ASPR Operation Tranquil Shift Exercise

Plane opening to deliver patients
Ambulance delivering a patient
Doctors dressing in PPE gear.
Biocontainment Unit staff receiving information through the notification system.

Opening of the Biocontainment Unit

Ribbon cutting ceremony for the BCU opening.
3D rendering of the Biocontainment unit floor layout.
Picture of osler unit.
Decontamination portion of the BCU.
Another view for the decontamination portion of BCU with a computer and pipes.
Glass cabinets in the BCU.
The hallway of the BCU with monitors and screens mounted on the walls.

Other Photos

Retreat exercise with the BCU staff.
nurses during their annual review.
The trish group.
BCU in San Francisco for the American Thoracic Society International Conference.
ambulamce unloading from a plane.