Car Seat Safety Classes

Are you having a hard time purchasing a car seat at a regular cost for a newborn? Is the child outgrowing their car seat and you can’t afford one? Our classes can help you to get a car seat for a nominal contribution while learning how to use the seat correctly every time.

If you plan to obtain a low-cost seat you should meet the following criteria:

  • The car seats are designated for families who are not able to purchase a car seat at a regular cost.
  • If your child already has a seat, he/she is not eligible for another seat (for another vehicle). The seats are for children who currently do not have a seat or are outgrowing their current car seat.
  • While this is not checked, many parents obtaining car seats have some governmental assistance, such as Medicaid, WIC food stamps or a Healthy Start referral.

Available seats are:

A baby in a car seat
  • Car seats are: convertible seats ($20) that stay in the vehicle and go from 5 lbs to 65 lbs 
  • Booster seats ($10) for children who are BOTH a minimum of 4 years old AND 40lbs
  • Cash or money order will be collected at the time of the class
  • The amount may change based on special needs of the child

Supplies are limited to one car seat per child and appointments are required. 

Car Seat Class Registration

Contact Us

If you have questions about the Car Seat Safety Class, please contact us. 

Give us a call

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