Injury Prevention and Child Safety
Babysitting Safety
The Safe Sitter® class for teens ages 11-14 teaches them the safety skills necessary for babysitting, including CPR. We also provide information for parents on the information your babysitter should have before you leave the house, and how to decide when your child is ready to stay home alone without a sitter.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety
Bicycle safety tips include making sure children wear a properly fitted helmet, are visible to drivers and understand the rules of the road. Pedestrian safety tips include using crosswalks and knowing how to stay safe in areas without sidewalks. We also participate in Bike to School Day and International Walk to School Day.

Motor Vehicle Safety
We offer car seat checks, classes and other resources for families to make sure they learn to use a car seat properly for children of all ages. You’ll also find information on when and how to use a booster seat, and tips for parents, pre-teens and teens of driving age on safe driving strategies including seat belt use and preventing distracted driving.

Toy Safety
Toy safety tips help families know what hazard to avoid, including choking hazards and other risks, and what to look for in choosing safe toys. You’ll find additional resources on toy safety and toy recalls.

Water Safety
Water safety information helps families stay safe in and around water, including pools; lakes, ponds and other bodies of water; and water around the house, like bathtubs. We provide information on the layers of safety measures families should use at home to keep kids safe from drowning.

Safe Kids Florida Suncoast
Safe Kids Florida Suncoast is a coalition of health and safety experts working together to decrease the number of preventable childhood injuries in the region. Learn more on our Safe Kids Florida Suncoast page about the coalition and how you can get involved.