Patients and Community Members Join Johns Hopkins in the Fight Against Drug Misuse!
Johns Hopkins Medicine participates in the Drug Enforcement Administration's National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day.
The next event is Saturday, April 26 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Drive up and drop off unused or expired prescription medications and our staff will dispose of them for you safely. See what medications you can dispose of below.
Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center
Johns Hopkins Health Care & Surgery Center — Green Spring Station
The Johns Hopkins Hospital - Wolfe St. Circle
Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center
Sibley Memorial Hospital
Suburban Hospital
Event Quick Facts
970 Pounds of Medication

353 Community Members

14,128 Total Pounds

Seven Participating Locations
Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center

Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center

Johns Hopkins Health Care & Surgery Center — Green Spring Station, Lutherville

Sibley Memorial Hospital

Suburban Hospital

The Johns Hopkins Hospital
600 N Wolfe St
Baltimore, MD 21287
Google Map | Campus Maps

Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital
501 6th Ave South
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
Google Map

Another Way to Dispose of Medication
Use the secure drug disposal bins located in several Johns Hopkins pharmacies to dispose of your medications safely. Disposal bins are located in the following pharmacies:
- Arcade Pharmacy
- Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center Pharmacy
- John G. Bartlett Pharmacy
- Johns Hopkins Outpatient Pharmacy at Levi Watkins, Jr, MD, Outpatient Center
- Monument Street Pharmacy
- Weinberg Pharmacy
These bins are available during the pharmacy’s operational hours.
Here is a complete list of acceptable items for disposal in the bins:
- Pills, tablets, capsules - Loose pills must be placed in a zip-top bag before placing in the bin. Bags can be obtained from the pharmacy.
- Ointments
- Creams
- Lotions
- Powders
- Liquid medicines – no more than 4 oz. (120ml) - Liquid medications must be in their original containers, wrapped in a paper towel and sealed in a plastic bag before placing in the container.
- Vape pens or other e-cigarette devices
- Inhalers
- Sharps - All locations except Sibley Memorial Hospital
Contact your local community’s household hazardous waste department for information on proper disposal of medications not on the list.
Misuse statistics
U.S. Adults
Know someone who has died of a drug overdose.
Drug Users
Half of people 12 and older have used illicit drugs at least once.
The estimated number of people 12 and over that needed substance use treatment in 2023.
Past Drug Take-Back Events
Browse past event photos that show the impact of Drug Take-Back Day on the community.