Community Health Needs Initiatives

Two young boys on playground

The Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center's mission reflects a passion for patient care, research and the training of future health professionals. In each of these areas, our mission extends beyond our buildings and direct services to encompass the well-being of the communities we serve. In addition, the Medical Center is committed to meeting the medical needs of our community.

As non-profit institutions, JHHS hospitals aim to fulfill both their mission of community service and their charitable, tax-exempt purpose, especially in the context of new IRS provisions requiring non-profit hospitals to conduct a health needs assessment every three years and develop an implementation strategy to meet the identified needs.

In continuing the Medical Center’s long tradition of community outreach and health promotion, the community health needs assessment offers further direction and focus for our continued efforts. Drawing on the expertise of our clinical departments, we will continue our commitment to community health and our community partners in designing and implementing strategies to reduce obesity, provide prevention and treatment of addiction, meet the health needs of the Latino population and those who do not speak English, and assist those with mental health needs.

Review the complete current Johns Hopkins Community Engagement Inventory.

Community Benefits

Community benefit initiatives and programs at Johns Hopkins Bayview address local community health needs as identified by our community health needs assessment. Community benefits include:
  • Community health services
  • Health professional education
  • Mission-driven health services
  • Research
  • Financial contributions
  • Community-building activities
  • Charity care

The Medical Center’s community benefit inventory spreadsheets and narrative are available on the Maryland Health Service Cost Review Commission’s website.

Community Health Needs Assessment

To help guide our collective commitment and efforts to the community, Johns Hopkins Bayview leaders use the Community Health Improvement Guiding Principles proposed by the Johns Hopkins Medicine Community Benefits Advisory Council. They include:

  • Partnering with community leaders and community-based organizations who serve as stewards to guide and educate JHM to best serve the needs of each population.
  • Integrating the interests, assets and expertise of our health system, academic institutions and the community to reach mutually agreed upon outcomes.
  • Developing transparent, coherent approaches to plan, implement, evaluate and disseminate sustainable health improvement programs and policy interventions.

In fiscal year 2024, the Medical Center conducted a community health needs assessment (CHNA) to identify the most important health issues in our community, which included:

2024 Community Health Needs

A community health implementation strategy is under development to address the 2024 identified needs.

Contact Us

If you have further questions regarding community health needs initiatives at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, contact the Community Relations Department at 410-550-0289.