At Johns Hopkins Bayview, we recognize the importance of family caregivers, as well as the physical and emotional stresses that can accompany caregiving. For this reason, we have created Called to Care®, a program that prepares and supports individuals caring for loved ones with health-related needs or limitations.
Called to Care® | A Program For Family Caregivers
We recognized the importance of family caregivers, as well as the physical and emotional stresses that can accompany caregiving. Hear how Johns Hopkins Bayview prepares and supports those caring for loved ones with health-related needs or limitations.
Are you a caregiver?
Millions of Americans are providing care for an adult family member or friend, yet few identify themselves as caregivers. As a family caregiver, you may think the support you provide—helping your mother purchase and organize her medications, or taking a friend to his doctors’ appointments—is small in the grand scheme of things. But, the truth is you play a critical role in the health and well-being of your loved one, which is just as important as the care provided by doctors and nurses.
Learn more about being a caregiverCaregiving Resources
Community Partnership
Find local organizations and agencies that can help
COVID-19 Caregiving
Caring for the elderly during a pandemic
Family Caregiving Guide (PDF)
A caregiving guide for people who provide care for a family member or friend
Upcoming Classes and Events
March 8, 2023, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Join in an hour-long Zoom program focused on hope and creativity in dementia care. A short abstract art film anchors this presentation introducing Mona, an 80 year old artist living with dementia who invites participants into her psyche through puppetry, poetry paintings and song. Come with open minds and hearts and be willing to share your stories and experiences.
Hosted by Johns Hopkins Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program, Called to Care, the Alzheimer’s Association, Dementia Friendly Baltimore County, and Baltimore County Department of Aging.
Mondays, April 3 to May 22, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
The LHEP is an eight-week course designed to train community members about medical topics, with the understanding of how to allocate community resources to assist in promoting health and wellness. From mental health to healthcare access, a wide range of topics will be covered.
The class is free, but space is limited! For more information, email: The next Lay Health Educator Program will be in the Fall of 2023. Hosted by Medicine for the Greater Good.
Thursday, April 13, 12 to 2 p.m.
Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical CenterThis lively in-person painting session is designed for fun, self-care and connecting with other care partners. Space is limited. Please confirm your interest in participating by contacting Tiffani Williams, 410-550-8093 or Linda Stewart, or 410-550-1660. Sponsored by Johns Hopkins Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program in collaboration with Called to Care and Hopkins Elder Plus.
Ongoing Events & Support Groups
It is not unusual to feel isolated when you are devoting so much of your time to caring for a loved one. One valuable way to overcome these feelings is to talk with others who understand the stresses and challenges you are facing.
Johns Hopkins Bayview has partnered with several organizations in the surrounding community, including those that offer counseling and support groups. Examples include, but are not limited to:
Hopkins ElderPlus, with support from the Alzheimer’s Association, offers a group for caregivers who care for people diagnosed with dementia and other diseases.
The group meets the second Thursday of each month from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. at Hopkins ElderPlus. The group is open to the public. Contact Tiffani Williams (410) 550-8093.
First Wednesday of every month, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.
This engaging support group will uplift, inform and empower those who care for loved ones. Hosted by BDS Healthy Aging Networks, Baltimore City Health Department and Called to Care.
Join on Zoom or dial in: 301-715-8592. Meeting ID: 827 3947 9263. Call 410-550-1660 for more information.
Second and fourth Monday of each month, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Join librarian Linda Gorman for her fun and engaging series, “Stories and Chats,” for people with mild cognitive impairment or early-stage dementia and their caregivers.
Sign up or contact Linda Gorman with questions.
- February 27
First Tuesday, 12 to 1:15 p.m.
Group session to raise awareness about dementia and how to support those living with dementia and their care partners. Contact Emily Kearns at 410-887-4751 or email
Wednesdays, 12:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Interactive weekly sessions are filled with inspiration, exercise, interesting speakers and helpful resources for older adults. Join by Zoom or dial in: 1 301 715 8592. Meeting ID: 827 3947 9263.
For information contact Betsy Simon,, 410-375-7504
Third Tuesday of each month, 12 to 1 p.m.
Club Memory is a stigma-free social club for people with early-stage Alzheimer's, mild cognitive impairment or other forms of dementia, and their spouses, partners and caregivers. The Club meets virtually. For questions or to RSVP, contact Andrea Nelson, RN, at
Phone information:
Meeting ID: 918 0813 3747
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,91808133747# US (Washington DC)
+16465588656,,91808133747# US (New York) -
Fridays, 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Get the latest updates about current health topics, community concerns and successes. Panagis Galiatsatos, M.D., will answer any health-related questions you might have. Hosted by Medicine for the Greater Good.
Join by Zoom or join by phone at 301-715-8592. For more information, email
Anne Arundel County Department of Aging and Disabilities’ Family Caregiver Support Programs is offering a new series of in-person and virtual workshops to equip care partners caring for loved ones with dementia. To register, call 410-222-4375, ext. 4339 or visit
Stories of Caregiving
Arlene and David's Story
The program offers assistance in several ways: supportive services, education, and partnerships with local agencies, organizations and faith communities.
Emilio and Mary's Story
Mary Rios talks about her experience caring for her husband Emilio who has multiple sclerosis (MS). Her call to care for her husband has added stress to their lives. Together they've hired help to relieve the stress and return to a happy and healthy relationship!
Caregiver Connection
Caregiver Connection is a publication that connects caregivers with resources, support and each other. The newsletter is published every other month and contains community caregiving news, tips, spotlights and upcoming events.
If you'd like to begin receiving Caregiver Connection by mail, please call 410-550-8018.
Our Staff
W. Daniel Hale, Ph.D.

Linda M. Stewart, MPA
Caregiver Project Manager

Contact Us
5300 Alpha Commons Drive, Suite 347
Baltimore, MD 21224