Support Groups & Resources
Please check and our Facebook page for ongoing updates.
Widowed Persons Outreach (WPO) is a free community service and 501(c)3 that has been providing bereavement support to newly widowed persons in our community since 1992. While Sibley is not an affiliate of WPO, Sibley is a co-founder and has been a sponsor of WPO since its inception. WPO is a volunteer-led and run organization, men and women who have been widowed themselves, and are now helping newly widowed people through their grief in a variety of ways, including one-on-one help, support groups, social activities, educational events and a bimonthly newsletter.
WPO now holds grief and loss support meetings via zoom, adding some in-person social activities for those who feel ready to participate.
For information, call the WPO office at 202-537-4942. Please leave a message on the voice mail system and a volunteer will return your call.
WPO Welcomes New Volunteers
If you have been widowed for over two years and would like to volunteer with WPO, call Marti Bailey at 202-660-5658. “We are always in need of volunteers — it is very rewarding,” said one of our founders, the late Peg Masi. “Helping others in turn helps you. We all feel the need to repay the comfort and support we received when we needed it most.”
This support group is for persons who are caring for someone who needs assistance. It may simply be the challenges of aging or chronic illness, such as Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia, Cancer, Parkinson’s disease, or even because of mental health issues. You are also welcome if your loved one is long distance or in a care community.
Group leader: Marianne Panke, M.A., L.M.T. This group meets regularly during the month via Zoom.
Registration is required. Please email Marianne Panke at for more information and to register.
This ongoing support group enables participants to explore ways to cope with the variety of losses we experience as we age. These cumulative losses are unsettling but can enable us to find new meaning and purpose. Losses result when we retire, lose a partner, a friendship, have to relocate or adapt to new roles in life. Join us to explore how to invest in a path different than you (might) have expected or planned.
The group meets second and fourth Wednesday, 4 to 5:15 p.m., via Zoom.
Group leader: Kelsang Varahi, M.D. Please email or call 202-364-7602 for more information.
Living alone presents its own opportunities and issues, whether the reason is by choice or through loss. Sharing and discussing experiences often provides real value to those living alone. This is a discussion group, not a bereavement group. Please join us. Your ideas and needs count.
Support Groups for Specific Conditions
Meet with people experiencing similar challenges and learn tips
and strategies to help with daily living activities. This is a safe
environment to share how you are dealing with your physical
symptoms and underlying feelings. The group meets second and fourth MondayGroup leader: Amy Fox.
For more information, email; or call 202-364-7602.
The DC Area Myotonic Dystrophy Support Group is a social support group for people with myotonic dystrophy. For more information please contact Pat Dinsmore at 202-361-1087 or by email at
For information about Lyme disease and other events, offerings and support resources including Zoom meeting groups, please call the National Capital Lyme Disease Association at 703-821-8833 or visit
- The group for those living with Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders, their care partners and family members meets the second Thursday of the month from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. via Zoom.
- The group for care partners and family members of those who are living with Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders meets the fourth Thursday of the month. Group meets from 4 to 5 p.m. via Zoom.
Group leader for both groups is Marti Bailey. Please call 202-364-7602 for more information or to register.
CurePSP is the leading nonprofit organization working to improve awareness, education, care and cure for devastating prime-of-life neurodegenerative diseases. These include progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP), corticobasal degeneration (CBD), multiple system atrophy (MSA) and others. CurePSP offers many virtual support groups for individuals, care partners and family members diagnosed with PSP, CBD and MSA. Support groups help provide emotional and practical support to those diagnosed and their loved ones, and reduce the sense of isolation associated with these rare brain diseases. Metro DC Support Group for PSP/MSA/CBD patients and caregivers meets every 3rd Saturday of the month on Zoom from 2 to 4 p.m.
Please contact Kristen Weidner at to register or visit to view CurePSP’s virtual support group offerings.
The Stroke Support Group offers survivors, their caregivers and other family members a chance to share concerns and support each other. Professionals from various disciplines provide advice, resources and timely updates and information about post stroke recovery in an informal setting. The Stroke Support Group meets every Wednesday at 1 p.m. over Zoom.
For more information, please contact Amy Chew, Group Leader at or Katie Foster, Sibley Stroke Coordinator at 202-660-5878.
Cancer Support Groups
Workshops and Classes for Cancer Patients and Caregivers
Coping with Cancer: What Caregivers Need to Know
A multidisciplinary team of experts shares practical information and self-care strategies to educate and support cancer caregivers. Resources about health insurance, disability and financial matters, along with tips for stress management, intimacy and respite, are offered. The program provides time to connect with other caregivers.
Look Good Feel Better
A free program for women in active cancer treatment to learn how to cope with skin changes and hair loss. Facilitated by trained cosmetologist and aesthetician. Registration required at
Meditation and Mindfulness: for cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers
Thursdays: 7-8 pm
Thursdays: 7:30-8 pm
Open to cancer patients, family, and friends to learn about and practice mindfulness meditation, which has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety and loneliness, improve sleep and boost the immune system.
Stronger and Healthier Together – Cancer Survivorship Series
Call for dates | 6:00-8:00 pm
This six-week series is for people who have completed active cancer treatment in the last 24 months. Experts discuss nutrition, stress reduction, lymphedema risk reduction, exercise, emotional health, sexual health and side effect management. Participants will have one-on-one coaching sessions with a certified health coach.
Yoga for Cancer Survivors
Mondays: 7-8:30 pm | Mat Yoga
Wednesday: 10-11 am | Chair Yoga
Fridays: 12-12:45 pm | Chair or Mat Yoga
Restorative yoga for people in treatment for or with a history of cancer. Yoga instructors have specific training to safely teach yoga to individuals who have had surgery, radiation or systemic treatment. Practice focuses on balance, stretching, and breathing.