Our Specialties

Caring for the whole patient is at the heart of our mission. The doctors and therapists at the Johns Hopkins Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences treat adults, adolescents and children through community psychiatric services, consultation clinics, inpatient units and day hospitals in more than a dozen specialty areas.

Ask the Experts - What's the Buzz About the New Alzheimer's Drugs?

March 26, 2025: Join us for a virtual roundtable discussion about the latest Alzheimer’s infusion drugs. The presentation includes a brief introduction of the new drugs by our lead infusion team followed by Q & A with the audience.

Precision Medicine Centers of Excellence in Psychiatry

Our Precision Medicine Centers are aimed at bringing clinicians and researchers together to study how best to get the right treatments to the right patients at the right times. Disease categories are heterogenous, and the Centers aim to break out more homogenous subtypes of illness. The hope is that these illness subtypes will be differentially responsive to various available treatments. Or perhaps a given subtype will suggest a new treatment development opportunity.

Psychedelics Research and Psilocybin Therapy

The Johns Hopkins Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research is leading the way in exploring innovative treatments using psilocybin. The molecular structure of psilocybin, a naturally occurring psychedelic compound found in 'magic mushrooms,' allows it to penetrate the central nervous system. The scientific and medical experts are just beginning to understand its effects on the brain and mind and its potential as therapeutics for mental illnesses. Backed by $55 million in funding, researchers build on previous work and expand research on psychedelics for illness and wellness.
Medical guided session - Person on couch and two sitting on the floor

Mental health care is a basic health right that everyone should have access to.

Dr. Erica Richards received the Levi Watkins Ideals Award during the annual celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s life and legacy. The award recognizes Johns Hopkins Medicine leaders who demonstrate an unwavering commitment to our organizational values in service to the greater community. The award is named after Dr. Levi Watkins Jr, a pioneering cardiologist and civil rights activist who founded the annual MLK Commemoration at Johns Hopkins. Dr. Richards took some time out to reflect on Dr. King’s legacy and share what the award – and the annual MLK celebration – mean to her and to the Hopkins community.

Dr. Richard's work on Diverse Participation in Research

Education and Research

  • Professional Education

    The depth of our clinical expertise and the breadth of our research programs allow us to train the next generation of psychiatrists and scientists to be clinical and research leaders.

    fellows in training
  • Knowledge to Cure & Prevent

    Our clinical research programs range from efficacy and treatment-response studies to clinical trials and epidemiology.

    researchers working


Understanding Anorexia Nervosa

Angela Guarda, M.D., and her team of researchers are working to understand anorexia nervosa and its addictive nature so they can improve the treatment process.

Huntington Disease and Its Effects

Dr. Jee Bang and her research team are currently running numerous clinical studies on Huntington’s disease. The studies involve testing new experimental drugs that treat symptoms, all while looking for new targets for therapeutics.

Our Locations